Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"I don't think they're just going to go away, Chief." Seitz told Pulitzer the next morning in Pulitzer's office. Pulitzer said nothing, and began pacing back and forth by the window.

"Mr. Pulitzer, uh, sir? Just gimme the means and I'll take care of 'em for ya." Weasel proposed.

Pulitzer stopped pacing and said, "Give him whatever means he requires. I want this nonsense done with once and or all!"

"Chief..." Seitz started.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, SEITZ!" Pulitzer snapped.

There was a pause, then Seitz escorted Weasel out of the room and Pulitzer went back over and stood by the window, pondering what to do to us if he got his hands on us.


NEWSIES: Open the gates and seize the day! Don't be afraid and don't delay! Nothing can break us, no one can make us give our rights away... Arise and seize the day!

Six boys had made drum sets out of cans and tins and things like that and marched up ahead of everybody. I was standing by Racetrack who patted one boy with drums on the shoulder as he marched past. All of us ended up dancing to the beat of the drums and then did some sort of chest bump thing and then kneeled down in rows, arms interlocked at the elbows.

When we finished singing/dancing, a paper wagon came racing through the gates, almost running over some of the guys. We all cursed at the wagon driver as he raced away. Little did we know, a group of scabbers and not joined newsies had followed behind the wagon and looked ready for a fight.

"Come on you grafters, cross the line!" Race exclaimed.

"All right! Everyone: remain calm!" Davey tries so hard to be a leader, but he kinda fails every time...

There was a bit of a pause, then Jack shouted, "Let's soak 'em for Crutchy!" All of us yelled in agreement as we charged the group of scabs at the gates. We thought we were doing a good job of scaring them because we were "chasing" them into the big green doors in the circulation center. The scabs were banging and knocking on the doors and after a few seconds, a large group of men opened the doors and strode into the circulation center. Some were swinging chains around, some were popping their knuckles, and some were just walking in holding large clubs.

Racetrack, being the captain Obvious that he is, stood in the middle of the clear area and yelled,'"Jack! Arch! It's a trick!" and ran into the crowd. Another group of men came in through thee gates and closed them before Denton, who was starting to come through with his camera, could get through. We were trapped. God, I'd be so much happier if Spot were here so we could up our game! I said to myself.

Oscar and Morris backed Jack down the stairs and Oscar said, "Hiya, Jackie boy!"

"Les, get outa here! Go!" Davey told Les.

The men made a ring around jack and a man with a chain in his hand. we all tried to get through, but the men forming the ring were too strong for us, so we thought...

Outside, Denton saw a bull on his horse outside the gate as well. "Aren't you gonna stop them, sir?"

"Just move along Mr.!" the bull countered.

Out of nowhere, heads popped out from rooftops. Brooklyn had arrived! I saw Spot jump onto a balcony/scaffolding thing and started to climb up. "never fear, Brooklyn is here!" A cocky Spot yelled.

Mush looked up from the ground, "It's Brooklyn!"

"BROOKLYN!" Everyone screamed.

I made it over to Spot and said jokingly, "Well it's about time!"

I'm the Queen of New York!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum