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         What the heck is wrong with me.. I am not into Nanami am I?... I mean that freakin retarded. Me starting to like her fuck that..

       {Next day..}

Nanami: "What the heck got into Vergil yesterday he was acting very odd. He such an idiot guess it in his nature." walks in front of his house.

   Vergil's mom: "Oh hello Nanami. Heading to school?" She asked greeting her.

Nanami: "Yea is Vergil ready to go?" She asked in a bit of a hurry.

    Vergil's mom: "Oh I am sorry Nanami, but Vergil is sick today he has a bit of a fever so he staying home. Though I will let him know you stopped by." She responded.

Nanami: "Oh alright thanks for letting me know." Before heading off she looked at the top window to see if he was looking down at her but saw nothing due to the curtains covering from the inside. She then walked away in deep thought.

         Is Vergil really sick? I guess it has been really hot recently. Stupid global warming. Though why am I ... Well I can worry about him. He is a friends with benefits it not like I worry about him cause he my boyfriend in that way.

Nanami: Walks in class and sighed.


Nanami: "Aghhh!!! Ehhh... yes sir.." she looked down and walked out the door.

            Today was completely horrible couldn't even enjoy classes. I just been so worried being with Vergil. So I am just going to see if he feeling any better.

     Nanami: Walked to his front porch and rang the bell. "Hello Mrs. Montgomery?" She rings the bell again.

Vergil: Came down the stairs shirtless and took deep breaths. "Who is it my head hurts alre.." He stopped in the middle seeing nana in front of him. "What are you doing here Nana."

Nanami: "I was wondering why you didn't come to school today?" She knew the reason but wanted to ask him anyways.

Vergil: "If you haven't noticed I feel like shit and have a high fever. You shouldn't even be here so stop worrying ok I am just a friend of yours." He groaned.

Nanami: "Well I am here and could take care of you." She extended her hand towards his face.

Vergil heart paniced and he slapped her hand away from him. "Nana just stay away from me I don't need you to take care of me ok. So I will get better on my own." He closed the door in front of her and loacked it.

He... Did he just told me he better off without me?...

Vergil: "Shit ... I can barely even stand I better get back to bed. That it I am really sick feelings for nana is just stupid."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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