Chapter 19: Wedding #1

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I woke and felt excited. Of course today isn't MY wedding, but it's Haruhi's! I remember back at high school she used to think Tamaki was stupid. Oh. The good young days... (A/N: I just made myself depressed kind of by thinking about how our favorite YouTubers are growing older and eventually there will be a day where they'll say goodbye to us and we will have to move on)
Anyways, no need to dwell on the past when the future is ahead. All I need to think is right now. Live in the moment, because you'll never know what could happen.

As Hikaru and I got dressed he hugged me from behind and kissed the back of my head, "Tomorrow's going to be our big day, you know?" He mumbled into my hair. I nodded as we stayed in our position until Kaivo and Kaoru came in smirking.
"Lovebirds~" they both giggled. Hikaru and I groaned.
"Shit up you two are both equally lovey dovey. I know what you two do at night." Hikaru said as I smacked his arm.
"HIKARU!" I shouted.
"What?! THEY CUDDLE! WHAT DID YOU THINK THEY DO?! FU-" I smacked my hand over his mouth. Kaivo and Kaoru's faces were red and they decided to wait for us downstairs.

time skip *

When we got to the location of Haruhi's wedding it was the beach we went to for vacation. (A/N: you know chapter 7 in the 1st book where Kaivo and Kaoru hooked up? Yeah that beach.) A state of nostalgia came over me as I remembered the last time we were here. Haruhi and Tamaki had a fight.. heh... now they're getting married.

If you think about it, it's sad. We're growing older everyday and eventually we're going to be on our deathbed. Either one or the other passes away or we both die due to an accident. Either way we all die in different times and it makes me sad that... One of us will die.

I felt am tears stinging my eyes a I quickly wiped them away, Hikaru asking what was wrong and not wanting to worry him I told him it was just sweet how Haruhi and Tamaki were getting married on the beach they fought on.

It had started, the piano played and Haruhi walked down the sandy aisle to her beloved. The waves were gentle, the sun was near setting, making a beautiful spectrum of pink and yellow clouds in the sky.

It was like a dream. A dream come true. Of course, not everything goes to plan, there will be some wind blowing wind into our eyes, into our food, into anything really. But that doesn't matter, well it does since you're exactly supposed to consume loads of sand but we aren't consuming loads of sand so whatever, what matters is that Haruhi is happy, Tamaki is happy, Tamaki's grandma is not here, thank god, I mean we invited her but she said she couldn't make it like... crises averted.

They said their vows, promising their entire life to one another. Promise through sickness and through health. Promise till death to them part. How Haruhi did not know how she "fell in love with an idiot", but stating that it was the "best mistake she's ever made". To which we all gave a giggle.

time skip*

Reception now, the newly wed is dancing, the rest of us are currently eating cake, Layla is hitting on every non-relative, decent looking, age ranged male she could, and the rest of the guys are in like some we're group circle drinking beers. Yes, beers ladies, they're grown men now. Not the hosts though, they're drinking... What I can only assume as orange juice. Yes, orange juice ladies, they're still children now.

The night flew by like a shooting star, and tomorrow will be my big day.


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