Chapter 6:Where Am I ?!?!

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A/N I am so sleepy

~Brailyn ~

*1 day later *
Weather :thunderstorm

I woke up to a terrible storm and the worst pain.I couldn't move or breathe in cause it hurt so bad. And my left arm was throbbing . Whats worst is I don't know where I am.I finally sit up and looked around .I was in a room that smelt like coconuts and fresh rain .The room was painted a dark blue and white and the bed that had white covers on it .I looked to my left and saw a balcony .The long curtains on the balcony doors , were see though so I could see the outside pretty good. I looked to my right and saw a door, and in front of the bed was another door with a dresser by it . On the dark wood dresser was a flat screen TV , right beside it was another door. I attempted to get out of the bed,When the thunder and lightening shake the room causing me to fell out of the bed and land on my right side . The fall literally knocked the air out of me . I was laying on the floor in the pain ,my right side felt like I got kicked their several times. I laid there on the floor for a good twenty minutes. Until the pain subsided a little. I used the nightstand by the bed to help me up .I slowly got to my feet .I took in slow deep breaths .I walked over to the door on my right .I grabbed the door knob and slowly turn it and push forward revealing a bathroom . I walked in and noticed I didn't have on the same clothes "Who the hell changed me "I thought scared shitless .I look in the mirror " I look like hell"I thought . I lifted up my shirt and saw the bad bruises. I was shocked to say then least ." I probably shouldn't have jumped in that stream"I thought. I pulled down the shirt I had on .I was about to walk back out .When I really had to pee. I did my business and washed my hands and face.I slowly walked out .I was headed to the door in front of the bed .When I noticed someone had came in while I was in the bathroom and left clothes on the bed. I slowly walk over to the bed and grabbed the clothes. Before I went into the shower I locked the door in front of the bed and checked the balcony doors to see if they were locked and was .I turned around and walked into the bathroom .This time I noticed that the bathroom had a shower and a huge bath and a door that connected to another room."so I share a bathroom "I thought I also noticed a window over the huge bath .I walked over to the door and locked it ."there's no way in hell someone going to walk in here all willy nilly" I thought turning around . I put the clothes on the counter and walked over to the shower .I turned it on and let the water start to get hot. I looked around and found some towels , soap,shampoo and a toothbrush .I striped and got in the shower .

*20 minutes later*

I stepped out of the shower and almost fell but I caught myself on a bar."that was a close one "I thought. I slowly start to put on the T-shirt and shorts that smelt like flowers . I looked at my left arm and noticed it was a little swelling and slightly bleeding . I grabbed a towel and put pressure on it . I slowly bent down to look for a first aid kit .I searched under the sink and found it. I wrapped up my left arm . I got up the dirty clothes and put them in the hamper I found in the corner. I unlocked both doors and walked out of the bathroom . When I walked back into the room .I noticed food on the nightstand and pills."how the hell did someone get in ,when I know I locked the doors "I said to myself . I walked over to the food ,it looked so good .But I wasn't going to eat it ,for all I know they could of poisoned it ,no way I was going to eat .I walked back in the bathroom and looked in the first aid kit and found some pain medicine ."i would rather get my own pain medicine since I don't know what the pills are or what they do" I thought . I walked back out and I started to get back in the bed,feeling dizzy ." I wasn't going to get anywhere hurt this badly so I'm not going to escape yet,I need to rest "I thought . I got under the covers that smelt like coconuts and fresh rain.I started to get comfortable and relax a little with it storming .I was laying awake for 10 minutes ,thinking of a way to escape .My eyes were getting heavy .I slowly let sleep take over.

1 hour later
(Its still storming)

I was asleep when I heard someone come in, I stayed motionless .Just me breathing .I smelt coconuts and fresh rain and the smell was getting closer. I felt someone's warm hand grab mine,It was like someone was shocking me.Then the person kissed my cheek and then I felt little fireworks .My heart beat start to speed up ."why was my body reacting like that"I thought .The person kissed my hand and walked out. I laid there for five minutes just to be safe .I slowly opened my eye and looked around ."that was weird "I thought .I look towards the door "i have to get out of here "I thought .I was so confused and honestly terrified. I turned over looked over at the clock "5:39 pm" I turned over and laid on my stomach and instantly regretted it.My right side was throbbing so bad ,that I started to cry silently .I didn't even notice that someone had came in and this time it wasn't the person that smelt of coconuts and fresh rain but someone who smelt like brown sugar and cinnamon .I opened my eyes and meet a pair of old green eyes .I tried to lift myself up, only to be hit with another wave of pain .The green eyed old lady rushed over to me and helped my sit up.She passed me the pills and some water.I shook my head at her ."Sweetheart you have to take the medicine it will help with the pain and swelling"the old lady said.I looked at the pills in her hand then I looked at her .She slowly brought the medicine to me.I took them and put them in my mouth then grabbed the water .The old lady smiled and helped me lay down ." I will make you something to eat so you won't get sick"the old lady said." I'll be right back and try not to do too much"she said knowingly. I just nodded my head and she walked out .I tried to sit back up but a huge wave of pain went through my right side ,making me lay right back down.Twenty minutes later the pain started to subside a little .And the green eyed old lady came back with a tray of food.The tray had strawberries and pineapples,and some soup.I was about to say she didn't have to bring me this .When she stopped me med sentence ."its was my pleasure "she said giving me a warm smile ." I bring you something to drink ,I'll be right back " she said leaving the room. I start to eat the fruit and then I ate some of the soup. The old lady came back in and brought me some juice. I drink some of it.I got done with the fruit in less then five minutes and only ate half of the soup. I put the plate on tray and I slowly got back comfortable in the bed .I started to let sleep take over again .But I couldn't ,I put I long soft pillow under me.I turn over and laid on my stomach on the pillow .I breath in the coconut smell and fell asleep.

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