Chapter 14: Trouble

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A/N OmG guys I can't believe I hit 1k yet alone 1.02k 😱 like wtf I'm flipping happy 😆
Thank u guy for reading now if only I could get y'all to comment more 🤨🧐 🌸 Beauty

Weather: semi-rainy
Time :1:45 pm

I was in a peaceful and very dreamless sleep when I felt something or maybe someone pick me up. I honestly didn't know who it was til I felt those familiar sparks around my very cold body . I slowly peaked open my eyes to look at my Alex , When I made sure he didn't noticed that I was awoke ,I slightly smiled because one being is that I really didn't feel like talking about my problems with that demonic Barbie or the fact that I feel like I'm not even worthy to have such a man or person that was completely made for me . It's like I wanted to just let him carry me away from my problems and insecurities just for a little bit . I just wanted ...Well I don't know ,it just felt so peaceful being in his arms , his protection,his presents . I was so wrapped up in my head I didn't even realize he had stopped walk and was currently look down at me with so much love and concern. " Oh hi didn't see you there " I said all dry mouth. He gave me a small smile " Of course you didn't ....Now Brailyn I would like to know why your were bruised and past out in the middle of the woods ? " He asked with authority and slightly strained voice . "Oh nothing just you know messing around may have run into a few trees on the way here , You know nothing too crazy ....." I said trying not to let him know what exactly happened to me . At that moment I knew he didn't believe a word I said nor was he going to let it slide . Alex had stop walking and literally sat me down on a fell log . He just stared at me with so much intensity that I had to look away , he was literally making me nervous."Okay look I really don't feel like talking about it, All I really wanna do is let Bella finish healing me and to go with you ?" I said shyly."I'll tell you everything but later please? " I said giving him my puppy dog eyes . " We will be discussing this as soon we get home Brailyn " he said softly but I can still tell that he pissed off and concerned about me and who did this to me .

11 Hours and 42 mins later


After the long flight ,and me curiously glancing at my Alex and the window of the fast moving car.I thought about all the people that had hurt me and how my life has changed for the good and maybe even the bad .I thought about all the people who loves me and is coming to love me ,The stranger dreams and the random book I found when I had run from and met Alex. I thought about this curse that's been put on me my whole life . I thought about how lost. I feel and out of the bubble of knowing just what I'm meant for. But Before I could really analyze more though my thoughts. The car we were currently in had came to a halt snapping me out of my thoughts ."Where are we ? " I asked looking at this massive size castle.The castle was a cream color with stone or brick towers with royal blue flags in front of it.Right Beside four guards ,Two on each sides of these huge doors that lead into this old but beautiful castle .The moss clung to the tower that is tall enough that your eyes couldn't nearly see the top "We are Home !" Alex stated. "Home?" I said jumping out of the car before he could get out .I stared up at this beautiful castle and thought damn I really Im a queen ! This is crazy ..... "No you mean badass, right ? " Dean said out of nowhere When the hell did he get here ! I thought.I jumped into his arm and tackle him til we both fell into the flower garden thats near a guards foot ."When did you get here ?!?I mean what are you doing here !?!?! Like I thought I left you in the states ? I said a little breathless ."Well honey first imma need you to get yo crazy ass off me then I will explain why,how ,and when I got here " He said pushing me up off him .When he finally stop brushing off the flower petals and dirt off himself he smiled and bowed Now why the hell is this boy bowing down at me ? I thought when I notice a huge shadow cast right beside my little shadow.Ohh Alex had finally step out the car and was literally stand right behind me .I tried to open my mouth to talk and tell him that this is one of my best friends but his ass grabbed me and pulled me into his arms-and growling like he some kind of cave-man .And did I mention I could breath? Nope I didn't think I did either. "Alex babe .....I umm ....breathe maybe ?" I said trying to get him to at least loss up his tight hold on me but all he did was loss up just a little then he has the nerve to snuff me.He breathing me in like I was his oxygen."I'm sorry my king for ughh...that but ...." Dean started to say "Warlock if I see you touching what is mine again I won't hesitate to fucking kill you" Alex growled out Wtf ! Alex was now staring at Dean like he was going to rip him apart ."Come my queen we have some serious matters to discuss he said turning his intense glaze on me Fuck ! He pulled into the beautiful castle speaks with some guards
And some other guy that looked to be maybe the same age as him but shorter and less muscles than Alex.He had short chocolate colored hair And pale blue eyes and pretty white teeth .They did a guy hug then he glanced at me and bows slightly than turns the other way head down a long hallway .Before I could even get a good look at the Gorgeous place with cherry wood floors ,Alex picked me up and took me up serval flights of stairs passing through serval floors and going down I ton of hall ways .I swear I'm going to need a map to even come to half of what we passed.We passed though a three living all different layout ,I game room and fitness room plus a few doors .When we finally came to a stop he sat my down in front of two double doors that lead into a office to which he walked right into and sit down behind this huge black desk he got comfortable in his huge chair that match and crossed his arms Umm okay I guess I better go in and have a sit this is going to be a very long conversation ......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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