Chapter 13:The weird guy

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  Monday 4:30 Am
Weather: Stormy 
"Ahhh No not my baby " I screamed nearly falling out of my bed . I jumped up and looked down at my tummy "okay not pregnant "relieved That it was only a dream. I slowly walked out of my bedroom and down to the kitchen and started to make Nutella pancakes with chopped strawberries and some bacon. As I sat down and started to eat my early breakfast I thought about the weird random dreams I've been having starting with the one about the creepy house and the cold dark woods ,the terrifying creature that was chasing after me. When suddenly I was snapped out of my haze when my grandmother came " what are you doing up so early sweetheart "she said " I just couldn't sleep  " I said to her as she grab the plate and start to eat the pancakes. I kiss my grandma on her cheek and went back upstairs to start to get ready for school. I did my hygiene routine and pulled out my burnt red sweatshirt  that said "first I need coffee "and my black tights with my combat boots. I then rushed into my bathroom and started to straightening my hair.once I was done with that I call Dean .I grabbed my backpack, and went outside to the path in the woods .

Time:5:30 AM (still dark but not as much )

I was walking through the path through the woods when I heard a swig snap ,to my far left .What the utter fuck !?!?!"I thought .I Quickly looked to my left searching for the culprit for the sound I heard ."but then I thought you know how in almost every horror movie the girl is walking through the woods in dark and she hears a twig snap and goes to investigate and something or someone kills her dumb ass well I am not about to be that girl ."So I took off running in the opposite direction making sure I stayed on the path .I run so fast that I run into Dean causing him to fall and spill his coffee .Alone with an ohshit and a string of other cuss words he finally turn his attention on me ."What the hell Brai ?" He glared at me ."Sorry Dean I heard a swig snap behind me on way here and I didn't wanna be that girl " I said giving him the puppy eyes."Okay so you mean to tell me that you heard a swig snap and took off running like a monkey who just stole my hamster ,all because of a twig ! You made me spill all of my coffee from Starbucks cause of a twig ,for all you know it could've been in animal which Im sure it was !" Dean almost but just about shouted ."Hey it was either run from the small animal or died simultaneously by some unknown person "I said trying to play it off ."Oh sure Brailyn but you owe me some coffee after school today so don't go and chicken out at the end of the day " He said picking up his backpack ."You know I got you " I said smiling walking ahead of him hearing him sassy the whole entire time. We slowly walked through the woods as the sun crept over the forest landscape. We were almost at the bus stop when it hit me "where the hell is Kaylin ?" I thought to myself I was about to ask Dean where she was when we both got a text from her saying that she would meet us at school . I texted back okay and got on the bus for school yay I thought note the sarcasm.

7:30 AM

I was violently shoved onto the ground by the wanna be Barbie Carson and her powder puff gang ,now don't get me wrong about calling her a Barbie she's not blonde none of them are she this pretty brunette girl whose pretty didn't quite reach her poor dark soul but anyways she's the school princess all because her father owns half the towns property and the school ,but not the point she's every mans dream with her olive color skin tone and curves an all the right places ,she just perfect well as she thinks .Dean ,Kaylin and I thinks she devil spawn .I mean come on you would think she's was the devil himself if she basically tortured you since you moved here . But anyways let go back to reality "Watch where the hell your going street trash " she said to me as I slowly got up did this bitch just call me street trash ? I thought .I was about to tag her ass but her father who is also the principal came out of nowhere."Sweet heart haven't I told you not to hang out  with others that are not at your magnitude" her father said looking at me with disgust. "Yes daddy but I was most definitely not hanging out with the likes of her ......"she said glaring at me . I am now about a second from kicking this stuck up bitch ass I thought "Well darling I shall see you at home and ugh and Brittany I shall see you after school today for detention "he said walking towards the front entrance "But I didn't do anything !" I shouted at his back "That is enough Brittany that's another detention tomorrow " he said turning around glaring at me ."Ughh fine whatever Mr.Cardinale " I said picking up my bags and walking to first period late again."oh fun calculus "I thought pissed off.Wait til I tell Dean and Kaitlyn.Walking into front of class with all eyes on me and earning yet another detention,stupid damn teachers ugh I mumbled under my breath as a sat down by this weird guy I mean wasn't weird looking or anything he actually pretty hot with his raven black hair ,forest green eyes and nice built he is the walking calvin Klein model but nevertheless weird for staring at me "do I have something on my face "I thought feeling slightly uncomfortable.Focusing on the teacher discussion on today's lesson  ,I still felt his forest green eyes on my skin it was like he was trying to read me or something .I was about to write a note asking what his problem was when the teacher started passing out our test that we took last week ,seeing that I got a huge D on it ,nearly made me cry .Ugh whyyy world whyyy I thought putting my head down on the wooden desk.I am definitely going to have to ask the teacher if I can take a retest because this is half my grade .Ugh as if my day couldn't get any better Out of the corner of my eye I saw the weird guy was about to reach out and tap me but right before he touched me , when the bell ringed for second period.I quickly got up and basically run out there to second so I wouldn't be late which was Art .i walked right in and took a seat in the far right corner of the room .And started to take out my art supplies having already known what the assignment .I took out my canvas and started to paint what I felt .I put my thin tip paint brush in some blue paint and went wild for the rest of the period .I was half done with my painting when the bell ring signaling for the next period which was physical science which is a total breeze one being that I had my best friends there so I know I can catch them up on what was going on .


I was talking to Dean about his coffee ,(you know cause that's so freaking important but whatever )when wanna be Barbie and her gang came waltzing in with her arms wrapped around the weird dude arm. I would of annoyed her exist and kept talking if the weird guy wasn't staring straight at me .what the hell ?i thought awkwardly glancing behind me to check if he was looking at something else but no he looking at me.And what makes it worst was Barbie noticed and give me the dirtiest look ever than pulled the poor weird guy away to the far table on the other side of the cafeteria.But even when she did all of that he still sits and stares and Barbie sees and glares at me again then she whispers into one of her clones. The clone then gets up from the table and goes somewhere.i turned my attention back to Dean talking to him about dying my hair blonde when a whole shit load of food gets poured over my head .I mean like a whole plate what the fuck !?!?!?!? I thought out loud I slowly turned around and to my surprise saw one of barbies friend looking at me "Oops I'm sooo sorry geez damn I'm so clumsy " she says then starts laughing at me and looks over to Barbie who is smirks at me ,by that time the whole cafeteria was laughing.I quickly grabbed Deans arm and ran straight out of the cafeteria.When I finally stop running I was full on crying .Sliding down one of the lockers and cried "Oh brailyn please stop crying it's okay please stop you know what Imma be right back " I heard him say though my crying I was going to stop him when he was already gone damn he moves fast I thought . I slowly got up and walked to the girls bathroom to try to see how bad was the damage when I got pushed into the girls bathroom by Barbie and her group of clones "oh poor brailyn ...did you honestly think I would let you get away with staring at my BOYFRIEND " she yelled pushing me into the wall "I mean really do you honestly think anybody would want your ugly fat ass ,I mean look at you! your fucking street trash she says slapping me across my cheek making fall and hit my head on one of the sinks ."Well shit I did have your boyfriend staring didn't I ! " I said smirking "YOU FUCKING SLUT why would he even want you when he has me ,why would he want your ugly ,dirty fat ass ." Says punching me in the face while her friend hold both of my arms ,she continues to punching and kicks me down on the ground again making me cough up blood .i thought she was done but boy was I wrong she then starts kicking me until I heard I snap ,I screamed out in pain .I could barely see when she grabbed my chin digging her claws in my face "remember this brailyn you will never be worth anything to anyone I mean look at you who could ever love someone so ugly ......your fucking  pathetic and  worthless . She says pushing me back on to the ground making me see stars "And stay the hell away from my boyfriend or this won't be the last time's was nice playing with you brai " she said as her and her clones walks out of the bathroom leaving me laying on the cold dirty ground . I slowly tried to get off the ground but couldn't do so I tried again,finally reached my feet .I lumped out of the girls bathroom .Heading straight to the back door of the school.i start my long walk to the secret place Alexander took me .When I finally made It .I collapsed onto the ground and cried in total pain.I could of went home with my mate but I stayed here .I mean who I'm I kidding he would never love someone so ugly and worthless as me could someone so handsome so perfect love someone so worthless or how could someone so worthless rule over a whole species when she's ugly and so unworthy maybe she's right maybe No one will love me ,maybe I am ugly and street trash He needs someone whose not street trash whose not worthless whose perfect and beautiful I thought as the numbing pain took me to a dark place .

Hey guys it's been a long time and I know I was supposed to update a lot sooner than this but I've been working a lot and I had writers block .... ugh mean it's super hard to try to think outside the box what do you guys thing of this chapter
Carson 😡
The weird guy !?!????😱
Where's Alexander and kaylin !?!!??
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Beauty 😊😘✌🏽

*excuse any mistakes *
Word count :2121

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