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((A/N: basically I saw this movie playing on Saturday or the day before Valentine's Day on TV (February 13th) and I watched most of it since I had nothing else to do. It was pretty funny. And then later on that day I came up with this idea and started to write it. So yeah. I hope you like it!!))

Dan was in a happy mood, having just woken up and it being his favorite holiday of the year. Well, one of many. He loves his holidays.

He walked towards the hand me down flower shop that had been in his family for a long time now.

It was started with his grandmother, then it was passed down onto his mother, and now him.

He had always loved flowers.

The scents, the beauty, the happiness it caused when someone gave it to someone else.

He used to love giving and getting flowers to and from his boyfriends in the past and even giving them to some of his girlfriends.

Yes, boyfriends and girlfriends.

Dan is bisexual.

But you could probably tell he wasn't 'straight' by just the way he dressed.

He didn't care though.

He wears pastel colors and flower crowns are key.

He hadn't really had an issue coming out to his family.

Especially since it was just him and his mother.

His mum had caught his dad cheating on her when he was younger and they divorced.

Dan doesn't really like talking about his dad, though. Or even just to him really.

Anyways, Dans mum was very okay with it when he had come out to liking both genders at the age of 15.

Saying she knew it was going to happen at some point.

Which was reassuring.

REALLY reassuring.

Since he was literally panicking about what she was going to think the entire time and for a good couple weeks since he was planning to tell her.

But that was in the past.

Now he's 22 years old and owner of his own business, the flower shop "Garden of Kisses".

(Yes, this is a real flower shop name and place. I know. Believe me. It used to my grandparents shop but they sold it a while back. So yeah, I'm not creative and I'm just borrowing this for this fic. Kay bye now)

Business is a booming and Dan honestly could not think of a better job to have.

Especially since he's considered quite the love expert and today is Valentines Day.

Where's a better place to put that to use than a flower shop?

Which is exactly what had happened today.

And is also exactly how he met him.

Dan had been informed beforehand that spot in front of his shop had been bought and is under construction for a new tattoo parlor.

What he wasn't informed about though was that the new owner was very attractive.


I Hate Valentines Day ~A Phan/Kickthestickz fic~Where stories live. Discover now