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Phil stopped, shut off and stepped out of the car with a smile. "We're here!" He grinned, excitedly.

Dan chuckled at Phil's enthusiasm, "well, come on then!" he said walking a bit ahead and motioning for Phil to follow him, "let's go before it gets too late"

Phil nodded, smile never once leaving his face as he ran to catch up with the brown haired boy.

They both walked until they reached the ticket booth thing and looked up at the sign that had the prices. "Two tickets please" Phil said to the women and she gave him the tickets before asking, "Would you like some tickets for games and the Ferris Wheel?" and with that question in the air Phil turned to Dan, waiting for a response.

Dan nodded in response to the lady with a smile, "Yes please, that sounds fun!

Phil then turned back to the lady and asked, "How many game tickets would you recommend for two people?"

They had a short conversation about how many tickets they should get and then finally came to a decision.

He bought them both tickets and then turned back to Dan, walking up to the front gate alongside him and showing the guy at the gate their tickets as they walked in.

"Where to first?" Phil asked, looking around, trying to take it all in.

Dan thought for a moment before suggesting "We should probably play some games for a little while."

Phil nodded with a smile, "Yeah, that sounds good!"

The two started towards the section with the games, since they could easily see it from where they were when they heard a voice call "YOU CAME TO THE FAIR FOR THE FUN, I CAME TO BRING THE FABULOUS".

And Dan knew that voice anywhere.

"Chris?" He asked, confused.

"Hey Dan!" Chris exclaimed starting towards him and pulling him into a hug, "how are you? Long time no see"

"Uh Chris. Not that I'm not glad to see you here, but: what're you doing here?" Dan asked.

"I just missed you so much. It's been so long! A full two hours since I last saw you and-" Chris started but then got cut off by another voice saying "should we remind them that we're still here? Or should we just leave them alone and catch up with them later?"

"Pj?" Dan asked looking over Chris's shoulder only to be met with a familiar mop of curly brown hair.

"Hi Dan" Pj greeted from next to Phil, "and to answer your question: Phil really wanted to impress you with this fourth date so he talked to Chris a little beforehand on what you might like, since he's your best friend, and Chris said you'd like to have a double date sort of thing. So Phil arranged the entire thing. Really, it's quite cute- wait. Hold on. Chris! Bring out the camera. Phil's blushing. This'll make a wonderful wedding photo"


They had been at the fair for a few hours playing games, eating fair foods, and going on rides when Chris decided, "hey, do you guys want to go on the Ferris wheel? I bet by the time we can get there it'll be dark and we can see all the lights."

Dan looked to Phil and Pj questioningly.

The two noded and Dan took it as a 'yes'.

"Alright. Let's go!" He said and they started towards it, "the ferris wheel is always the best at night and if we head over now, we should get there before it closes"

And the fair was going to close soon seeing as though they had been there for a good four and a half hours.

"Maybe if we're lucky there won't be long line" Chris smiled hopefully and the rest hummed in agreement as they turned the corner to see the line.

Or moreso, the lack of.

For they only waited a few minutes in the surprisingly short line.

Phil chuckled as it was almost their turn to get in, "I'm both surprised and grateful for how short this line is. But then again, short means we won't have to wait actual hours just to look at stars and who am I to complain about a short lines?"

"Agreed" Pj nodded and only moments later it was their turn.

Having separated, the two pairs made their ways into the two carts before settling in.

Seeing as though each cart held only two people.

And barely.

After about a minute or two of heading up Phil grinned, taking Dan's hand in his as they both looked up at the (a) sky full of stars. (By Coldplay)

"Wow. We're barely that high up and I can already see so much." He commented and Dan smiled up at the sky.

"It's so nice." He agreed.

Phil continued smiling contently as he placed his head in a comfortable position on Dan's shoulder, still looking up at the sky.

Quite enjoying that it was just them and the night sky up there.

(Well, figuratively)

Dan put his arm around Phil's shoulder in response.

Still smiling, Phil said, "what a perfect end to a perfect date". Looking up to Dan, whose face was just on top of his own and mirroring it entirely.

Dan smiled at him before the cart suddenly shook.

This had scared him so he quickly grabbed the bar handle and looked over the edge of the cart, where he saw that ride was over and they were the next cart to be led out.

He tapped Phil's shoulder and pointed over to the worker who was helping the people out, to show him.

Phil sat up and sighed upon seeing that they were almost done.

Dan just smiled before bringing Phil's face towards his and placing a kiss on his lips.

With that being the last thing they do, it was finally their turn to get off the ferris wheel.

And as soon as they step foot on the floor they are met with the oh so familiar voice of Chris calling out a "CAN WE GET MORE FUNNEL CAKE BEFORE WE LEAVE?" and a Pj stood right next to him, smiling at him, adoringly.

(A/N): Date Four - Check

This could have been cuter

Really it could have

Except I based this chapter on a chapter from one of my other stories that's both Phan and Kickthestickz (again) but the chapter with the fair itself is just Kickthestickz

It's called "Bittersweet" if anyone would like to check it out and the chapter is "Kickthestickz pt 2" (though it's a multi chapter story itself)


I'm not creative

Thank you!

I Hate Valentines Day ~A Phan/Kickthestickz fic~Where stories live. Discover now