He's Mine!

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AN: I got this idea from RingLeader_Robin 's story Parade of a thousand shadows. If you haven't read it I highly recommend doing so.

Dick was tired. It had been a long and difficult night on patrol. The Joker, Riddler, and Scarecrow had all managed to escape from Arkam, and went rampaging through Gothem, requiring the entire available Bat-family to subdue them and escort them back to their cells. When he had finally made it back to the cave, at 3:00 in the morning, Dick had to endure a full on Daddybats attack. Really, it was nothing serious, Dick thought, he only had a few cracked ribs and a broken ankle. However, by the time he finally made it to bed it was already 5:30, and he was practically reeling with exhaustion.

That being said, it is fairly easy to understand how confused he felt when he woke up to find himself being yanked back and forth by his two youngest adopted brothers.

"Get your filthy hands off of Grayson!" Oh no. Despite the fog that was clouding Dick's mind, it was still easy to identify Damien's voice. A voice that sounded as if it's owner was about to kill someone if they didn't do what he said.

"No! Just because you are Bruce's blood son, doesn't mean that you can get everything that you want!" That was Tim, and he sounded perfectly ready to engage in battle over who got to take care of Dick.

Dick knew that he had to stop them before they came to blows over the matter. He forced his eyes open and managed a small groan. Unfortunately for him the yanking did not stop. It increased.

"Good job Drake. You woke him up." Damien pulled on Dick's right arm.

"I did not! That was you!" Tim yanked Dick back towards him.

"Really? That horrible shrieking that you call taking could wake the dead!" Damien jerked Dick back over to his side of the bed.

"Well that's just perfect coming from you!" By this point both boys were practically ripping Dick's arms out in the effort to drag him away from each other.

"Ladies, you are both pretty! Now, could you please stop trying to incapacitate me?" Dick yanked his arms away and brought them up to his forehead. Great, just great. He had barely been awake for five minutes and he already felt a migraine coming.

"Oh..." Tim rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Umm... Sorry?"

"You should be sorry!" Damien just didn't know when to let things go. "He's mine!"

"No! He's mine!" Tim had trouble letting things go too.

Dick sighed. This was going to be a long day...

AN: Bat-brothers!!!! Yayy!!!! UnicornTalesLol Im1a2smart3idiot I wrote it!!!!

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