Infections Are Stupid

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"Owwww. Ow! Ow! Ow!" Robin wined, "What are you doing?! That isn't helping!" He was currently sitting on an examination table in the med bay of Mount Justice having a deep wound in his arm examined.

He had gained this injury a week ago during the whole break-into-cadmus-and-rescue-the-clone-of-superman thing. Unfortunately for him, he had not seen fit to take sufficient care of it, and during the team's fight with Mr. Twister the stitches had come out and the wound had re-opened, which resulted in the situation that he was currently in.

"If you would hold still it wouldn't hurt quite so much." Black Canary snapped back, continuing to poke and prod at the wound, which was red and swollen. "I think its infected."

"Really?! Are you sure?" Dick looked anxiously at Canary, but she just nodded and went to get more supplies. "Batman is going to kill me!" He groaned and flopped onto his back on the table, only to sit bolt upright again as she re-entered the room holding a nasty looking needle filled with a yellowish liquid.

"Are you sure I need that?" Robin eyed her suspiciously.

"Yes, I am." Black Canary looked like she was in no mood to deal with winey teenagers, "Hold out your arm." He did as he was told and she expertly injected the medicine into his upper arm.

              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip: Next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Robin sat on the couch next to Kid Flash, also know as Wally West. He was having trouble breathing, and Wally noticed his wheezing.

"Dude! What's wrong with you? Are you ok?" Wally looked at him anxiously. "You looked slightly paler than usual."

"Can't breath." Dick choked out. He rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie and looked at his arms. They were covered in little red welts, and his vision was beginning to spin. Everything sounded so far away.

"Yo! You in there! Robin! Hello!" Wally waved his hand in front of his face, his words echoing and bouncing in Dick's head. Knowing Wally, he was starting to panic.

"EpiPen." He managed to choke out. "Batman." Now Wally was really scared. Robin never never asked for Batman when he was injured or sick.

"I got it. Hang in there Rob." Wally jumped off the couch and was of in a flash, speeding down the hallway that led to the team's rooms and into my room. "Got it!"

Dick smiled weakly up at him and took the syringe from his hand. He shakily removed the safety cap at the top and slammed the part with the needle into his thigh.

He sighed slightly as after a few moments the medication began to take effect, only to tense again as he remembered that Batman would be there in a few minutes as he had sent out an emergency signal while Wally was retrieving the EpiPen.

His mentor would want to know why he was in this situation, and Robin had yet to tell him about his arm. The last thing he needed was a mad, overprotective Daddybat. Unfortunately, he didn't have much of a choice in calling the Bat, after all the EpiPen would only stop the reaction for roughly fifteen minuets and someone had to take him to the hospital.

"Batman B03" The zeta tube announced. Great. Just great.

"Robin! What happened?" Wow, is it just Robin, or did he actually sound concerned?

"Umm... I might be having another reaction." Dick glanced anxiously at his mentor and father figure.

"Wallace! What did you do to my protege?" Why did Batman always blame Wally? This was not his fault. Or maybe it was. He was the one who slammed into him while fighting Mr. Twister, causing the stitches to come out... Eh. Still, not Wally's fault.

"He didn't do anything." Oh no here it comes, "I was stupid and tore my stitches out while fighting Mr. Twister and the wound got infected which lead to Canary giving me a shot of something which most probably lead to this."

"Why was I not informed of this?" He looked angry. Robin shrunk down into the couch.

"I was going to tell you." Well... probably not but anything to stop that glare.

"Sure you were." Hey! Since when was Batman sarcastic? That was Robin's thing. "Did you even check what Canary injected you with?"

"Err... No?" Dick trailed off. Oops, he probably should have done that... Oh well.

Batman sighed in exasperation. "Come on, I have to get you to the hospital now. That thing will only last so long." He gestured to the EpiPen.

Dick nodded, waved goodbye to Wally and followed the Batman through the zeta tubes and into the one of the longest lectures of his life.

Robin (Dick Grayson) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now