Chapter 2

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The week leading up to the event was the longest week of my life. When the day finally came, I began to feel nervous. I kept thinking to myself "What if Guy Fieri doesn't like me" or "What if I mess up and I make a fool of myself on T.V". These thoughts kept circling around in my head the whole way to the restaurant. The restaurant was Kekes Breakfast Café. When we finally arrived, we were greeted by T.V. producers and directors. We were given a run down on what will be happing today, and then we were ushered into a backroom in the restaurant.

While we're waiting eagerly for the shooting to begin, Guy Fieri came into the room. "Hello! You must be Samantha, and this must be your Mother", Guy exclaimed. My mother and I both shook our heads, we were both star struck. We then began to talk to Guy, and I realized he was such a cool and down to earth guy. We talked for half an hour until the show began. Guy and I talked to the head chefs and saw how different kinds of their food was made. Then, we went around to the different costumers to see how they were enjoying their food.

When we were turning the corner to talk to more costumers, someone caught my eye. Sitting alone at a table was the one and only Harry Styles. I knew it was him right away because of his long, brown, curly hair and his fashion style which would look ridiculous on anyone but him. There hasn't been much about Harry Styles in the news since One Direction decided to go on a break. People must have already forgotten about the boys, hence why no one is mobbing Harry right now. I nudged Guy to get his attention. I said "Guy! Do you see Harry Styles sitting over there? We should interview him for the show." Guy looked weirdly nervous. He started to sweat and he mumbled "I don't think I can talk to him."

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