starting over

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Ive deleted all my other stories I will be just doing this one and another one which i will be starting soon.  For my books i will try to update once a week, or a least once every 2 weeks. There will also be a word requirement where all my chapters have to be at least 800 words starting w/ this one. They will probably take 1-3 days depending on my creativity flow and laziness. So yea i pick my poison and its writing. But, never mind that i'm starting over like my title says. 

Now i so going to rant and if you dont know i already started. Also because im ranting my grammer is going to suck ass like usual yet worse. I dont really know what my new book is going tobe on actually i think its gonna either be in the werewolf or teen fiction category like a romance. Right now thats just speculation so i dont know if you have any ideas put it in the comments. Damn im in the zone this chapter might actually get finished today which by the in case it doesnt it is (3/30/16). umm now that i look at the number of words never mind i dont think ill finish it today im only like a fourth of the way through this chapter. 

Now anyway lets see how my day went bad, horrible, worse, death. Nah im just joking with ya'll. i was just tired like always i am known as the laziest person in the grade yet i get good grades. About grades we had a test today in algebra and i was freaking out before the test. Despite everyone who took the test saying it was easy. But it really wasnt that hard except like for this one question that we had to write the equation for the translation of the parent function. Sorry if thats complicated im just rushing cause  i really dont and i mean really dont work so im trying to finish this chapter today who knows maybe i will. Its already been like 15 minutes sad i know ,this much only for 15 minutes. But hey if you had long nails like mine youd see how it is actually it isnt really hard but my fingers hurt from typing like i have finger cramps ok. im literally just listening to music while doing this, yay im halfway through you motherfuckers. i really dont want to do homework like bruh that reminds me in 1st period i said that and my friend told me and i quote "never say bruh again." Harsh right like go ahead and stomp and my spirits. Sort of  like jenn who must i say is very sadistic, she can read this too. Everybody says that im crazy, i mean if im the crazy one in the bunch jenn is a pyshco bitch like MUH HA HA! TAKE THAT JENN! JK im just playing with ya'll or am i? *lifts eyebrow in question*  

 Everybody says that im crazy, i mean if im the crazy one in the bunch jenn is a pyshco bitch like MUH HA HA! TAKE THAT JENN! JK im just playing with ya'll or am i? *lifts eyebrow in question*  

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That is my boo right there though fucking hancock tried to steal him before like bitch stay away from my man. His name is luffy, and he's gonna be king of the pirates. if you didnt know who he was or his anime that is a little sad but thats shame on you not him so yea. You should check it out the anime is called one piece the graphics are iffy at first but get way better trust me not mention he is damn hilarious. if you wanna see who that bitch who tried to steal my man named hancock this is her

 if you wanna see who that bitch who tried to steal my man named hancock this is her

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Like this bitch thinks she's all that she's just a try hard, a truly fake ass bitch. 😫 awww no hancock i didnt mean it just dont go for luffy, your awesome girl but take my man and your 6 feet under, got that not her ya'll to?  dang its been like 40 minutes i only have about 100 more words left im so happy yes im happy and i know it ok ill stop there before i put all the lyrics to happy by pharell. you know what im gonna take a break from writing be back in like 20 min. eh you probably dont care either way well i think i might finish my homework actually i'll just do that later im just gonna watch anime so peace.

time skip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

well im back and i just watched teen witch it was pretty good for an old movie, after this i think i might watch jamesy boy man do i love my netflix like seriously who doesnt, if someone who could have netflix didnt want or have it id be so fucking suprised like shit that nearly seems impossible. Man no i wanna sing the mission impossible theme song, well thats all for now. 

im so suprised i finished today and that i have over 800 words like seriously this is the highest amount of words ive written in my chapters so far. So boo yah sucker.

also listen to the song above its the music video for poison by rita ora i swear its gonna get stuck in my head.

867 words⬆️

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