Life update!

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Well it's been over 2 years since I last wrote on here and I've just been so busy... doing nothing. Literally I don't know wtf I'm doing with my life. I got into high school and freaking chose to do this stupid program called ib which is I guess for 'smart hardworking students' which I most definitely am not next thing you know freshman year is down the drain with Ds and Fs well only a couple of Ds on report cards anyway but it sucked like I'm a procrastinator I had literally no work ethic. Next thing you know bammm! I'm a sophomore. This year has actually been easier then freshman year. Though after this it's gonna get much harder especially considering imma be officially entering IB. Semester 1, I got As and Bs thank the lord. But I still don't know my gpa because I have a missing grade for study hall. Freakin study hall! Like are you kidding just put an A or a P for pass like shit. Also we're still only in the first month of 2019 but it's already been horrible like I have mostly Fs in my classes all because I was absent and my cycle of procrastination made me turn in everything late literally a week later and I am finally done with my make up work. But besides school things aren't too bad. I also just started talking to my crush whom I haven't seen or spoken to in 2 years due to seeing him on a mutual friends post like he freaking glowed up. So I asked another one of our mutual friends for his number to text him out of the blue which I did and it has been going surprisingly well like I'm actually texting him right now while writing this. Though he's 'shy' and seems indifferent we've made progress I think though I'm not getting my hopes up because he probably doesn't like me back, we don't even go to the same high school. But I guess we will have to wait and see. Another thing I have decided to start writing again and am in the midst of writing a book which I can hopefully finish a few chapters of soon. Anyways that's what's happened. To summarize schools stressful, life still sucks but who cares all is good


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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