I'll Stick By Your Side

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Your POV
It was the end of school and I just stared at the beautiful girl named Sookie. Of course I could never get her I mean she is dating Soul and Sam loves her........I just stared at her as she got her school supplies out of her locker. Then Soul came up to her. How I hate Soul! Ugh.....let's hear what she has to say.
I quickly hid behind one of the lockers that were close enough to hear what they were saying.
Soul; listen I ain't into girls! I don't like you not even love you! I love Sam~.
Sookie;B-But why then? Why say you love me?
Soul;So people don't know I like Sam. Bye Sookie~.
Soul walked away and I saw Sookie holding back her tears until they finally came spilling down her cheeks.
She fell to the floor, sobbing.
I quickly ran to her and put my arm around her.
She looked up at me and hugged me, I felt heat race up to my cheeks. And of course I hugged back.
You;Let's get you home to rest. I bet Soul went to tell Sam her feelings.
Sookie nodded but then gave me a questionable look.
You;I care about you so I was watching when Soul came by and she looked like she was going to do something, I didn't know what but I came anyways.
We finally reached her house and sat on the couch I put on Fairy Tale the anime as she sobbed a bit and hugged me. She looked up at me and I couldn't resist, I kissed her. She was shocked but closed her eyes and melted into the kiss. We pulled away.
You;I love you, Sookie.....I always have.
I smiled and she replied which made my heart skip a beat.
Sookie;I love you too and I know you were spying on Soul and me.
You;U-Uh ummmm pfffft!
She giggled and kissed me.
Sookie;I'm glad you did. I love you.
You;I love you too.
I hugged her and we sat there watching anime.
I heard the sound of a video camera stop recording, I turned around and saw Yuki with her phone out.
Yuki;-mumbles- totally going on YouCrab and InstaCrab!
She ran away and I tried to chase her but she locked her door.
I went back downstairs. Sookie and me looked at my phone and saw the video and tweet post.
Seriously Yuki.......ugh!......

InstaCrab and YouCrab?! Haha! Hope you enjoyed!

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