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- PoV: Second Person, you -
It was a bright, warm, airy summer day, and you and your best friend, [BF/N], were at a restaurant sitting outside, waiting for the food the come. It was the most beautiful day you've ever witnessed. The sky was a pure sky blue, and not a single cloud tainted the canvas.
[BF/N] seemed to enjoy the day as well, but not as much as you.
"Here you are," the waitress came out with two plates, beaming. A salad for you, and a hamburger for your friend. "Enjoy your meal!"
You two smiled back at her, then giggled to each other as she walked back into the restaurant.
"She seemed nice," [BF/N] said, taking the top hamburger bun off of the burger and pouring ketchup on the meat.
"Yes, very," you replied. You let out a great sigh of relaxation. The day was perfect.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, you heard a familiar voice far away.
"Story time!" The voice said. It was a man's voice. "It was true that the the man would surely trip over a BRANCH!" he said, pointing to nothing, tricking the man in front of him. "But there was no branch to trip over!"
A different laugh filled the air.
"Very funny, dude." He laughed, saying goodbye to the first man.
You searched for the voice, and perhaps zone out for a couple of seconds to process what had happened.
Of course, the story telling! It was Thomas Sanders, your favorite Viner on the app!
"Hey, [Y/N]," your friend asked, snapping a finger in front of your nose. "You there?"
"Thomas Sanders is here. Didn't you hear that?" You replied excitedly. "I gotta go look for him!"
You hop up from your seat and hop over the small fence that the restaurant had. [BF/N] looked at you worriedly. "Wait, [Y/N]! We still haven't eaten or paid yet!"
"I won't take long!" You say, jogging in place. [BF/N] nods and you set off.

- PoV: First Person, Thomas Sanders -

1,289 likes already? It's been five minutes! I think, happily. The fans must've really liked the guy's reaction.
It was a beautiful day outside. I ran into some viewers and we took photos together, but besides that, nothing else happened. I started to approach a grill my friends and I always hung out at as teens. I was getting hungry, but I didn't want to look alone.
I turned a corner and I bumped into someone who was coming from the opposite direction. I gasped.
"Are you okay?" I asked worried, the girl winced for a moment, then smiled. "Here, let me help you up."
"Sorry about that," I apologized. My cheeks began to become hot. The girl had beautiful, [eye/color] eyes.
"It's okay," she smiled, a hand on her head from the collision. "You're Thomas Sanders, the Viner, right?"
"That's me," I smiled. It was always nice to meet someone who recognized me. She smiled back and though in pain, just got lost in eachother's eyes.
"Oh, sorry," I blushed. "I was just going to head over to the grill over there. Sorry for getting in your way," I apologize once more, pointing to a restaurant with a gate fence.
"Oh, that restaurant? My friend and I are eating there right now!" The girl exclaimed. "Food's on me if you wanna come with me?" I could tell the girl was shaking a bit with excitement and fear.
"Sounds fun, lead the way!" I blurted out without thinking, but I know this is what the both of us want. Oh god, I suddenly felt bad. I couldn't let her pay for my meal!
  "By the way, I didn't get your name."
"[Y/N]," she said, smiling.
"[Y/N]," you repeat. "I like your name, nice to meet you!"

- PoV: Second Person, you -

  "[BF/N]! Guess who's eating with us?" You chime happily. Thomas opens the restaurant's gate for you, waving to [BF/N]. [BF/N] gasps excitedly.
"Hey," Thomas offers a hand to shake.
"Hey..." [BF/N] blushes, flabbergasted.
"Hey, Thomas," You giggle a little under your breath. "What do you want to order?"
"What's your favorite thing to get here?" He asks you, unlocking his phone.
"I usually get a burger and fry, but I was feeling a salad today," You say, a bit nervously. Thomas was looking down at his phone, opening up Vine.
"Sounds great, I'll order one then," he said, smiling. You smile back politely, but feeling ecstatic inside.
[BF/N] stand up from her seat and points to the glass door. "I gotta call from someone, hold on." Thomas and you nod and giggle quietly at each other like you and your friend did when the waitress left.
"So, do you have any social media?" Thomas asks, pointing to his phone.
"Actually, yeah. I have an Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Vine, and YouTube. I don't really post on YouTube, though."
"That's okay. What are your usernames?"
"[ENTER USERNAMES]," you reply. Your stomach was infested with butterflies. You were going to explode with happiness.
"While we're on the topic, do you want to shoot a Vine with me?" Thomas asks. You blush a little bit, smiling a bit brighter than you wanted to.

- PoV: First Person, Thomas -

"Story time!" I said my famous line. I shoot my pone far away from my face to reveal [Y/N].
"It was true that I, Thomas, would be falling for a girl I met just an hour ago."
The girl blushed uncontrollably, cupping her hands over her mouth and nose, and hopping up and down. I chuckled and reached over to give her a squeeze on the shoulder.
"and then the girl she was as well," [Y/N] smiled broadly.

Thomas Sanders x Reader: Story TimeWhere stories live. Discover now