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Age 6

"Okaa-san... Otou-san... I'm lost" I said wiping my eyes of the tears

I stopped wiping my tears and looked around, I have no where to go, I miss my mommy... I miss my daddy too... I'm only six, I don't know where to go, my eyes started watering again, I tried wiping them away, but they were falling too rapidly, the next thing I know I saw a handkerchief under me, I looked up to see a young boy, around my age, maybe a few years older, red mark on his face and a back pack with sleeping bags on his back. I took the handkerchief

"Thanks..." I say wiping my tears

"What are you doing here alone?" he asks me, tears coming down my face again

"Well, me and my oka-oka-san-n we-were play-playing ta-ag and-nd I was-as hid-hiding in the-the for-forest, bu-but then a-a be-ear cam-came and-nd tri-ied to-o ch-chase me-me so I r-ran and-nd the ne-next thi-thing I-I kne-knew I wa-was here" I said trying to stop crying

"Oh..." the boy said, "Well you could come traveling with me, and once we see her, you could go back with her, how does that sound?" he asked 

"O-Okay" I said, he stuck his hand out for me, I grabbed it to shake hands

"Are you a mage?" he asked me, I nodded my head

"What type?"

"Celestial magic..."

"Oh really? How many keys?"

"I have 11 go-gold key-keys, an-and 3 sil-silver"

"Impressive, and how old are you?" he asked

"I'm six" I say trying not to stutter, he looks at me with awe

"A six year old girl with almost all the gold keys?"


"Which ones do you need to complete the Zodiacs?" by the time he said that my tears stopped falling

"I need Libra and Orphiucius..."

"Well, today's your lucky day" he said, with a wink, he reaches to the side of his backpack and pulls out a key with the sign of... Orphiucius?!

"Here you go" he said, while sticking it out to me, I reach out for it and grab it

"Open, wheel of the keys" I say, with a magical glow, all my keys appear, so I stick Orphiucius' key next to all of them, and then the key disappears

"Open, gate of the serpent, Orphiucius" I say and Orphiucuis appears

"Hello little girl, are you my new owner?" she asks, I nod

"Well, what days do you need me?" she asks

"Hmm, I guess whenever I'm in trouble..." I say looking down

"Okay, I hope you treat me better than my old owner" she mutters

"Miss... can you not call me an owner please? It makes me feel like I treat you guys like tools, I don't like treating my spirits like tools, I like to think of them as my friends" I say looking up at her, she gives me a heartfelt smile

"Okay little lady" she says patting my head

"You can go back now if you want"

"Thank you" and with that Orphiuius disappears

"You're only six, but you can open the wheel of keys and open a spirit?" I nod slowly, he stares at me then smiles

"How many keys can you open at a time?" he asks me

"Two, and then I still have magic left, but if I summon three, my magic is completely drained"

"Okay" he said smiling at me, "By the way, my name is Jellal Fernandez"

"My name is Lucy..." I say on the verge of crying, "...But I don't have a last name"

"It's okay don't cry, you can be a Fernandes" he says with a smile, I smile back

"Why are you here, traveling out of nowhere?"

"Because I want to train and get stronger, see, I made this girl cry once, her name was Erza, and I vowed never to make her cry and protect her with my life" he said with a blush, I smiled

"While you're training... can you train with me too? I want to get stronger and be just like mommy, see, she was once this strong celestial mage, but now, she's sick. She gave me her keys, so one day I can be just like her and get stronger" I said with a smile, "I want to protect my mommy" I said, he laughs and pats my head

"I'm sure you will be able to do that, now let's get going okay?" he said

And there is the start of a new friend ship

~After many years of exploring the world, and training Lucy learned some new magic from Jellal, which were Heavenly Body Magic, Telekinesis, and Hikari no Kage. She was able to master all of the magic Jellal had taught her, she was even able to learn some on her own like secret art of healing and defense. She was happy that she had someone to look up to like a brother... but one day she never knew he would... disappear~

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