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Age 12

I woke up to a bright sky, but why do I feel sore? Oh right, because I was training with Mystogan and I actually beat him! I looked to my right and saw a tall box and opened it, inside was 5 staffs... were these Mystogans?! I looked at the card

Lucy, you might be wondering where I am, well, I can't tell you. I know someday Jellal made me promise that I would tell you, but I can't as you can see in this box, I have given you 5 staffs, use them well. I want you to use your magic and re-quip them, that way you can do Magic Staves when you want to. Lucy, I want you to do this last wish for me please. Use you magic and teleport to Fairy Tail, it's a guild I was in and I want you to join that guild, that guild will treat you like family.

From, Mystogan

I suddenly got tears in my eyes, don't cry Lucy! You're 12, but I'll miss him. I used my cape to wipe away my tears. Stop crying! I picked up the staffs and opened an alternate universe and stored them there, then I decided to test it out

"Open, wheel of staffs!" I said, there were my staffs, I smirked. Now to fulfill Mystogan's wish

"Teleport: Fairy Tail!" In a blink I was in Fairy Tail, all eyes were on me

"Where is your master?" I asked with an emotionless face

Natsu pov

We were partying when all of a sudden a bright light shone and out came the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen, she was wearing a top and short shorts, long mid-thigh black socks and black flats, as well as the cape that goes to the back of her shins. Her long golden brown hair flowing to her waist, her soft brown eyes and plump lips

"Where is your master?" she asked

"He's upstairs, who are you?" I asked

"My name is Lucy Fernandez and I would like to join Fairy Tail" she say, then goes upstairs to the Master

"She was..." Gray said trailing off

"She looked..." I said

"Whoa..." all of us said in unison

Lucy pov

I started climbing up stairs and went into the Master's room, I knocked on the door

"Come in" he said, I walked in and saw a tiny old man sitting on his desk

"I would like to join this guild"

"Very well, what magic do you use?"

"I use a lot of magic, I was trained by 2 men named Jellal and Mystogan" his eyes widened for a while then they went back to normal

"Where would you like to get your guild mark?"

"On my left shoulder in black, please"

"Okay" I walked closer to him and he placed the stamp on my shoulder, it glimmered, then there was my insignia, the Fairy Tail insignia

"Thank you" I said

"Come with me" he said walking front of me and leading me to the balcony

"Everybody listen up! Lucy here is our newcomer, make her welcome!" he yelled, the guild cheered, I smiled, I could get used to this, I walked down the staircase and was instantly surrounded by a girl wih blue hair

"Hi, I'm Levy" she said with a smile

"Hi, I'm Lucy"

"Do you like books?"

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