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I sat down where I was standing and started floating/levitating

"Hikari no Sozu: 4 yards" (random) I said

A large amount of magic appeared above my head, closing my eyes my head hanging back (face facing the sky). Keeping my defense. The cannon came shooting towards Fairy Tail and I opened my eyes looking back down at everyone. I saw Erza looking at me worried, eyes filled with concern but I just smiled. I felt huge amount of pressure when the magic hit my wall of defense. I kept breathing in and out trying to stay focused. I only felt the pressure for three seconds afterwards the magic was weak... was that really true power?? I landing back on the ground and everyone surrounded me smiling, I smiled back then Erza came towards me.

"Lucy that was dangerous!" she scold

"Maybe but if I didn't do that we would be in danger and you could have lost of your best defense armors"

"True, thank you"

"No problem, it was nothing" I said shrugging


'Wait... full power, haha. The shot right now was nothing'


"Well, well, let's see about that, once these shadows take care of you"

I looked around to see dark shadows in mid-air, flying around Fairy Tail. I noticed everyone trying to eliminate them one by one. The weakness of shadows??

"Open, wheel of keys!" I said

I looked through the wheel, stopped on Loki's key, the strongest besides Libra and Aquarius

"Gate of the Lion! I open thee, Leo!" with a bright gold light he stood in front of me

"Hello, Princess" he said, about to kiss my hand but I pulled away

"No time, I need you to use your brightest hit ever, please? I need to get rid of these shadow. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me!"

"Lion Brilliance!" Loki shouted

More than half of the shadows disappeared after the first hit. I was happy they were go away quickly that is till I felt something stab me in the stomach. I looked down to see a shadow's hand-like dagger going through me. He had a grin on his face before disappearing on his own.

'Don't fall! Don't give up! Fairy Tail need you, they're family! They will always be your side. You need to protect them! Need to stand! Have faith! Trust them!'

I felt as if I was going to fall but Natsu and Gray rushed to my side. 'How could I let my guard down. I'm so stupid. I'm powerful and I can't fail. I need to get through this, I won't give up till I see them again'

"Are you okay?" Natsu asked

"Can you stand?" Gray asked


Little did we know, Jupiter was going to fire early

The Jupiter Cannon was coming towards us once again. I knew it wasn't going to hurt me or the guys, thanks to my nullification bracelet. The guys and I were in front of everyone behind us, it came straight at us. The guys were wide eyed but it disappeared 10 inches away from us. I kept a straight poker face while their jaws dropped open

"Did you do that?" Gray asked

"What happened?" Natsu asked

"Yeah... why? Did you not want me to protect you guys?"

"No! It's just, you didn't really do or say anything..." Natsu trailed off

"As to be expected of the Strongest woman in Fairy Tail..." GRay added

"Nope, I didn't do anything it was my bracelet"

"Cool" Natsu yelled, excited

"Where can we get one of those?" GRay asked

"Well, I don't think so besides it doesn't only nullify my powers. It helps seal away most of my magic..." I said looking down, thinking they would be scared or hate me

"You mean that time, when we were little... it wasn't your full power?" Natsu asked in awe

"Alright, break it up! We're in the middle of a war here!" Erza said

I tried standing back up but my legs gave in. Gray and Natsu caught me in time, making me use them for support

" give me a second" I closed my eyes "Secret Art of Healing: Regeneration" a sky blue light surrounded me, my magic and energy was fully restored

Then bells rang before hearing static on the speaker


The guild stopped walking, lowering itself onto the ground. On top on the building were five people who looked like they owned the place. Other member started coming out of the guild onto land and began fighting with Fairy Tail. The strangest thing is that during the time I fighting the five people above keep their eyes on me. They keep following my every move. I could use Libra to take down everyone by smashing them onto the ground.

"Open, wheel of keys!" I looked through my keys till I found Libra's key. I set 2 fingers on my right temple 'All Fairy Tail members run back 2 meter or e;se you will be pulled down like Phantom Lord!" I told them in their minds

"Gate of the heavenly scales, Libra!" I said

A woman with a handkerchief over her mouth, wearing a strapless bra and cardigan, legs covered with scales (likea like a gypsy/genie) and all the Fairy Tail members ran back

"Take down all the people in front of us with the Phatom Lord insigma"

Soon everyone in front of us fell on their stomachs, back, or their butt. They tried to get back up but Libra would just add more pressure to make them lose their balance and push them down. I walked through the path of bodies on the ground, when I noticed that Fairy Tail wasn't behind me. I turned around to see them with looks of confused mixed with shocked and their jaws dropped open. I laughed

"Are you guys coming? Or am I just going to fight the mast of Phantom Lord by myself?"

"Well, we do want to come and support you but it looks like you can take care of him by yourself!" Gray said

"Who cares? Either way, I get to fight!" Natsu said running ahead of me towards their guild

I was about to run after him when I felt my hair being grabbed. I looked back and saw a muscular man with the Phantom Lord insigmia on his shoulder, metal piercings, and long hair down his back. I didn't scream or try getting lose from his grip. I used my magic to switch spots with him making me being the one grabbing him by the hair now. I kick him making go down on his knees, he tried punching me but I caught it.

"Hasn't your mother ever told you to NOT hit a girl, EVER?! I asked backflipping

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