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At the Guild

Once we arrived to the guild, I took a seat at the table with Gray and Natsu, Erza was talking with Mira, probably about our match, I sweat-droppedd. They made their was to our table

"You ready for the match?" Mira asked excitedly, I nodded

"Oh yeah, good luck Lucy!" Natsu said, I smiled at him and he smiled back: I blushed

"Good luck Erza, Mira" Gray said

"What about me?" I asked

"Well, I sort of bet my jewels on them" he said, scratching the back of his head

"Everyone, there will be a fight between Mira and Erza vs Lucy!" Natsu yelled "So place your bets here!" 

I sweat-dropped then went outside, soon Mira and Erza were in front of me with a fighting stance, I just stood there casually, Wendy came in the middle and had a flag with her

"Ready? Set/ Start!" she yelled, waving the flag

"TakeOver: Halphas!" Mira yelled, transforming into a blue demon

"Equip! Armadura Fairy!" Erza yelled

Hmmm... what should I do re-equip? or TakeOVer? I got it!

"Secreat art of defense: Celestial rampart!" I yelled, white light shone around me "Open gate of the keys!" a wheel came in front of me, I chose Gemini

"Open Gate of the Twins! I open thee! Gemini!" Gemini appeared in front of me "You know what to do!" I said with a wink

"Secret art of defense: Dragon Heart Barricade!" Gemini yelled

"Dual Charge!" I yelled

We both our swords and charged at them creating a spiral motion, they dodged. Mira flew to me and tried to attack me but Gemini defended me with her shield. Erza came behind me and used her spear to try and hit me but we both dodged

"Heavenly body magic: Sky Turbulence!" the wind blew them away and they hit the front of Fairy Tail destroying the sign

"Hikari no Kage: Mirajane Strauss, 95" I chanted

A black aura surrounded her, she tried to stand but she collapsed, 1 down, 1 to go. Erza stood up and charged at me, Gemini blocked the attack and tried to strike her but missed. Erza stabbed her stomach. 'Lucy, don't get angry. It's okay, she can heal... don't get mad. Calm, calm...' "Force close!"

"TakeOver: Diable Vengeance" I said emotionlessly and transformed

"Dark wave" I said and stuck my hand out

A wave of darkness came behind me and charged at her, she flew back and screamed in agony. She tried getting up again, but she fell. I transformed back into my self "I win" I said

I went over to Mira and touched her, she flinched

"Secret art of healing: Give, 100%" I said, blue light shone and she stood up with no difficulty

"Thanks" she said "I guess you won, huh? Now you're officially the strongest woman in Fairy Tail!" she said, I smiled

I went over to Erza "Secret art of healing: Give 100%" I said 

"I know I should be mad at you for stealing my position as the strongest woman, but you deserve it. And you didn't even break a sweat in trying to beat me" she said

Makarov came out of the building and congratulated me, as well as most of the guild members, some of them still had an awed expression 

"I'm glad you're the strongest woman in Fairy Tail, but you still have to fix this sign" Master said, I giggled

"Okay" I said "Secret are of healing: Self!" a green light shone

"Time Ark: Restore" in a flash everything went back to normal, the sign and the building was fixed

"Amazing..." Laxus said in awe, I laughed

'The day after tomorrow in my birthday, no one must find out, it shall be kept a sercret'

Warren pov

So tomorrow is her birthday, huh? It's weird that she looks like Layla Heartfilia, and she has the same birthday as the missing Heartfilia child... do you think she's... No! She can't be! But if she is, it does make sense; it has been 11 years since that child went missin. And she looks a lot like Layla Heartfilia, did she loose her memory? If she is a Heartfilia, why is her last name Fernandes? I mean, Fernandes is he same last name as... Jellal


Lucy pov

I finally bought a place in Fairy Hills! I consider it my birthday present! I needed help buying my furniture. So I went to Fairy Tail early in the morning, but they weren't there, then I went to Natsu's place, he wasn't there. I went to Gray's and the same for him, I checked the whole Fairy Hills dorm but no one was around... Where were they? So here I am, teleporting all of my furniture in my dorm, once I'm done I'll re-arrange it


I've finally finished re-arranging my room! It took me four hours, but it finally looks good! I think it looks great! Now... to find Fairy Tail's guild member, hope they don't find out it's my birthday! But I also hope that I'm not lonely on my birthday. I hope they don't disappear like Jellal or Mystogan... the same day as my birthday... is it my fault? That they're gone? I opened the door to Fairy Tail... but why is it dark? Power outage? I took a few steps inside

"Hello anyone there?" I asked, taking more steps inside

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY!!!" Mira yelled, shit... this is... I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly

"Haha... thanks..." I said, awkwardly

I've always hated this day, 2 important people disappeared on my birthday, I have this fear. That on my birthday people are going to disappear like... Jellal and Mystogan, tear welled up in my eyes

"You don't seem so happy..." Erza said, I looked up at her and tears splipped from my face

"I am, it's just... I never really had a party. This is my first one..." I lied, acting nervous. Her facial expression seem unconvinced, but then softened

"Oh, well then, even more for us to celebrate!" Master said, I sighed in relief

Master pov

So today is the day, the day where Lucy's fate will show her, her true history, we'll see if she's the real daughter of the Heartfilia's or not, the true blood. The heiress. Today is the day that Jude Heartfiliai goes to every guild in search for his daughter, each year on one day he goes to every guild and requests every girl to take a blood sample to see if she's the real Lucy. I'm pretty sure Lucy Fernandes... is Lucy Heartfilia... let's see what time reveals. I can't keep hiding her any longer?

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