Chapter Two

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I take a step back in surprise. Adrien realizes what's happened and freezes. "Lady wait-"
"I have to go." I rush. I turn and quickly yoyo off to my home. I get home as my powers deactivate. Tikki comes out exhausted. "Sorry Tikki" I say as I grab her some food.
"It's okay, but Marinette, what are you going to do about chat? You know who he really is!" She says nibbling on a cookie. I flop onto my bed and let out a sigh.
"I don't know Tikki! You knowi how I'm a bumbling mess infront of Adrien. Gah I'm so stupid." I say covering my face. Wait a second. I sit up and look at Tikki. "He doesn't know I'm me!" I say. She looks kind of confused as to what I'm saying. "He doesn't know I'm me, so I just have to avoid him as me like usual. Although," I take in a deep breath. "Ladybug may not be able to save the town for a while, I'm not sure I could handle it. He would be better alone." I finish. Tikki looks at me in surprise.
"Not become Ladybug? But who's suppose to protect the town then?! Adrien can't do it alone." I wince as she says Adrien. "Sorry, would you like me to refer to him still as Chat?" I nod my head. "Okay, Chat needs you." I shake my head.
"He will be just fine."

I get to school the next day and see Adrien almost instantly. I guess I got lost in my own little world because the next thing I know Ayla is shaking me out of my thoughts. "Thinking of Adrien?" She says with a smirk. I feel my face start to heat up and she lets out a laugh. "Let's just get to class" she says linking arms with me and dragging me off. Class seemed to drag on as I couldn't get the current situation out of my mind.  I couldn't stop looking at him, he seemed so distracted today. I need to talk to him. I know that. But how can I talk to him as Chat now if I know he's also Adrien? I let out a small sigh and try to pay attention to lesson the teacher was teaching. After school I walk home. Ayla was going on a date with Nino so I was alone. I got home and went upstairs and Tikki came out. "Should I tell him who I am?" I blurt out. She looks at me In surprise. "I mean, I know who he is, doesn't he deserve to know who I am too?" I ask.
"It's dangerous to reveal your identity Marinette. You never know who may be listening. And we don't know if someone else saw what happen last night. We need to be careful." I nod in agreement. That makes sense. "What if I just give him hints? I don't say who I am due to secrecy but I do give him some ideas about who I am?" I offer. She nods her head. "That should be okay, are you sure you will be able to talk to him?" She says. I let out a sigh. "I hope so Tikki, I hope so."

Later that night. I look at my clock to see its about time to head out on patrol. I take a deep breath, it's time. I transform and head out the window. I got to our usual meeting place to discover he is not there yet. I sit and wait for him to show.  Minutes later I hear the extending of his pole and he arrives on the roof. He sees me there and scratches his head awkwardly as he walks over. "So about yesterday.." He starts sitting down next to me.
"It's okay." I stutter out. I sigh and let out a deep breath. It's just Chat. Don't think of him as Adrien. "I'm not going to tell you who I am. It's dangerous enough having me know who you are. I will tell you though, you go to my school." I say. His eyes widen in realization and I can tell he's running a list of all the girls at our school through his head to figure out who I really am. I let out a small smile. "Let's go on patrol."

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