Chapter Three

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After a quiet patrol I returned home flopped onto my bed. He has no idea who I am. The whole time I could catch him glancing at me confused. He won't be able to figure it out, will he? I better remain on the down low for a bit. I don't want to risk anything else.
I get to school the next day and see Adrien almost immediately. Now that he knows I'm in his class I'm going to have to be even more careful. At lunch I tell Alya that I don't feel well, so that way I can avoid eating lunch with Adrien. Usually it's the four of us, Alya, Nino, Adrien, and I, at a table which is just too close for comfort with Adrien trying to figure out it's me. I get home and transform right after. I glide across Paris and sit at the top of the Eiffel Tower. It's going to be even harder to talk to Adrien. I realize looking out at the city. How can I talk to him when I know he's both my crush and my partner? I'll figure it out. I quickly decide. I glance at my phone and it shows that lunch is almost up. I get up and head back to my house. As I swing towards it though I see some movement in my bedroom. Upon further inspection I discover that Adrien, Nino, and Alya are all in there. I make the quick decision to turn around, but in the process accidentally make eye contact with Adrien. His eyes widen but I'm long gone before I can notice anything else. Did Adrien just realize who I am?
I land in an alleyway and quickly transform back into my normal self. I quickly start to walk back to my home trying to figure out what excuse I'm going to tell them when they ask why I wasn't there. I head up to my room and when I get there pretend to be surprised that they're all there. I mumble some excuse about going on a walk and they seem to buy it. I lead them all out of my room and downstairs into the living room, last thing I need is for Adrien to inspect my room!
We all sit around and talk and eat lunch. Adrien doesn't say a word about earlier but I continuously catch him staring at me. Lunch comes to an end and I claim to be feeling better and we all begin to walk back. Nino and Alya leading the way while Adrien and I trail behind them. I'm taping my fingers anxiously as we walk, afraid he's going to mention something. "I think we should talk." He says after a few minutes of silence. I can feel my heart stop. I freeze in place and he turns to face me. "Meet me in the park." He says and then continues walking. I let out a sigh of relief. At least I had time to prepare myself for the confrontation. I would have hated for him to confront me now. I would never have been able to make coherent sentences. I start walking again and quickly catch up to him and Alya and Nino, they hadn't even noticed that I stopped walking for a minute.
School let out and I went home right after. I didn't wait for Alya or anyone. I practically ran home. I flopped onto my bed. "Oh Tikki! What am I going to say? This is so bad!" I mumble covering my face with a pillow.
"I think you two should just talk. I still don't think you should tell him who you are but if it comes down to him asking, I guess you could admit it to him. Adrien seems pretty reliable from what I've seen." Tiki says coming over to sit by me. I move the pillow off of my face and sit up.
"You're right Tikki! I mean how bad could this be? Maybe everything will turn out okay! I mean, he could have no idea?" I say trying to convince myself it was still a good idea to go to the meeting. Tiki shakes her head.
"You have to be ready for anything Marinette." She pauses, "the good, the bad, or the ugly."

Bam! Chapter 3 is done! This story will probably end up being really short. Comment ideas/prompts for more stories and I might chose one to write about! Lots of love, Ash xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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