He's here

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I see my Dads Sudan pull up
I load my stuff into the car and nervously open the door to the passenger seat. We make small chit chat on the way home.

We arrive I make my way to my room and my dad informs me that he's going out, I flop down on bed hoping that he doesn't come back drunk or if he's going to a business meeting it doesn't go badly cause I know how it's going to come out with large bruises all over my body like a form of abstract art. He left in a suite so it's probably a board meeting of some sort. I think about the warblers, who I really want to be, it must've been hours cause I hear the door click and I can't control my nerves I'm anxious of what will happen in the next 10 seconds. Nothing but 4 days later he strikes

My dad approaches my door asks me what I've done for the day I say nothing, He yells at me that I am lying and how my lies will show up in front of his colleagues when they come over, I'm trying to process what's going on and I feel a hot sting on my face and then pain all over, I have no concept of how long it's been I try and not focus on the pain but it's all over I lay on my side where it hurts the most after 2days of limping, his colleagues come over for lunch, I greet everyone to be polite, excuse myself and return to my bedroom.

One more day and I get back to dalton and I'm home free. At about 6:30 when they left my Dad stormed in to my room!

"HOW DARE YOU?!?! EMBARASS Me like that?!?"

I yelled back I couldn't care I was going to get beaten anyway! "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!"


My body aches worse than ever I take a hot shower which helps make the pain a bit more bare able.

I put on a t-shirt Jacket and jeans sure to hide the bruises. I arrive at the dorm and Hunter isn't there yet thankfully, I made it without drawing attention to myself I get in the bed slowly, I'm alone I lay in the recovery position and allow myself to be in Pain.

Hunters POV
I arrive at mine and Sebastian's shared room and see him curled up clenching his stomach, breathing heavily shaky breathes, he didn't look good I immediately called wes and briefed him, Wes arrived at the same time as Blaine.

Wes woke Sebastian up gently and Sebastian groaned as he tried to move
Too quickly, he tried to move and put on a brave face but he couldn't

Sebastion POV

Dammit they here and I can't hide t the pain has gotten so much worse I used up all my strength packing and bring my stuff up to the dorm

Wes starts asking me questions he lifts up my shirt gently, showing the scars on my back,Blaine and Hunter gasp I can't see much as I can't move it hurts too much. "Sebastion I need you to lift your hands off your stomach". I shook my head no I mouthed, "I need to see how bad it is and you need to tell me what happened". "Sebastion please I heard Blaine say. But I refused I kept my hands there to compress the pain
I can't move them it eases the pain the this way I told them.
Blaine helped Wes roll me over to my back, Wes removed my hands gently, lifted up my shirt and touched it gently I winced and put my hands over again the pain was too much. I didn't care if he knew first aid it was too painful. He gave me a few pain killers which worked with in 40 minutes and then they started asking the questions I really didn't want to answer

Blaine: " Sebastian you don't have to pretend your not in pain please just tell us what happened"

Nothing I fell down the stairs I lied

Wes:" Sebastian we all know that is not  true I need you to be honest".

And you know this because you saw me fall down the stairs like an idiot right Wes

Hunter: " look we won't tell anyone else. Okay but we need to know to help you.
Are you all deaf or something I fell down the stairs, I raised my voice on frustration

Sebastian the bruises on your back that's not from falling down the stairs, you were beaten.

I couldn't argue

"It's nothing" I said they can't know I thought to myself

We kept on going back and forth they wouldn't let it go and the pain medication was starting to wear off

After about 25mins i was hoping that I could tell them a fraction of what happened and that they would just let it slide, to my horror they didn't.

I took a deep breath and softly
whispered "okay fine I didn't fall down the stairs".

He didn't mean it though I know he didn't he was just stressed. He didn't mean it he didn't mean it I said half panicking and trying to convince myself of what i was saying

Wes, " who Sebastian?"

I took another deep breath not really wanting to continue, Can we please just do this tomorrow I pleaded

Blaine," Sebastian you need to stop running okay?".

Hunter, "now who was it?"

"Dad"I wishpered as softly as I could o didn't want them to hear what I just said but I didn't want them to ask me to say it again

Hunter," Your dad did this?"

Damn he heard me I thought to myself and I just looked away from all of them I didn't want to face this

"it was easier to deal with in the beginning, it was never this bad , just a few bruises the only reason it's so bad I cause happened twice in a week I'm sure he didn't mean it besides I'll be fine in a couple of days." I pushed him too far

Wes: "  Firstly it's not your fault-

I finished his sentence for him

"Are you being serious right now I half laughed you know what I can drive a person to do".

I did this to throw them off to stall I guess what for I'm not sure

Blaine," We have to report him".

No!! You promised if you do I'll deny it I've been through it before I'm okay I reached for my water bottle but the pain in my ribs shot through me like a knife I crouched immediately, stifling a few screams that tried to escape my mouth with heavy breathing

Wes came near me asked Blaine to hold me down whilst he tried to examine my ribs properly he touched it gently but I. Couldn't deal with it.

I started cussing and tried to Hold the screams from escaping my mouth, Wes stop please aaaah, f*** shit I managed to free my other hand and roll own to my side clenching my stomach

You need to get to a hospital it's broken and severely bruised.

I can't no way I can't do that

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