6: panic attack

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Leah's P.O.V

So far I have avoided Alex in every way possible; walking opposite direction to him, hiding, ignoring him when he tries to speak to me and just walking off/away. It's not been too difficult in all honesty and as it is Friday, I am in fact very happy about that. Grace and Emily tried to speak to me about yesterday but I wasn't listening, I completely shut them off and walked away however trying to do the same to my brother is seeming more of a challenge than I though. He doesn't take no for an answer and normally ends up getting his way. I've been saying "so, not my fault" and "I don't care" because that's the truth. I didn't ask for Alex to do that, I didn't even want him to do that and obviously I'm going to get annoyed at him about it, I don't want to be friends with another 'Cameron' type of guy.

No one knows the story, well, Obviously my best friends and family know the story but I mean no one knows the full story. I don't know if I can say the full story, I don't think it would be the right thing to do, YET... I know at some point it will burst out of me like a balloon but I'm not ready yet and second chances are a thing, right?

"Leah, are you okay?" I look at Emily to see a worried look on her face and that's when I realize that there's tears falling down my cheek. I quickly wipe them away and smile at her

"Yeah, I'm fine." Her face softens a little but I can tell she's still worried and is still thinking.

Everyone is sat at our table except Alex, I don't know where he is or what he's doing but truthfully I could care less... I carry on eating my fruit, fruit is my favorite thing to eat out of anything. When I finally finish I hear a chair get scraped back and someone plump down into it. Everyone else is eating still, I look up and Alex is looking at me with his sparkling eyes, he goes to open his mouth but before he could say anything I gather my belongings and leave the canteen. Without a hello, without a goodbye, without a word.

I walk to my locker to change all my books over but when i slam the door shut standing there is Alex grinning at me, I look at him with a sigh and try to walk past. He doesn't let me. I feel the anger shoot through me as I think back to memories, memories I don't want to remember.

-----Flash back to 8 months ago-----

"Where do you think you're going then?" Cameron says as he jumps infront of the door to stop me leaving.


"No,no,no, you're not going home yet!"

"Yes I am!" I shout at him trying to push him out the way. Instead he grabs hold of my arms and throws me to the floor causing me to hit my head on the way down.


He stands over the top of me and stares at me with evil in his eyes. I shake in terror and pain, my head is pounding and my eye already hurts from the punch, the punch he threw at me...
I'm trapped in his room for 2 hours almost, being forced to do things no one should be made to do and being abused in every way possible.

It happens a lot.

I'm used to it.

I know it's going to happen when he doesn't let me past, when he stops me from going somewhere my chest instantly beats faster than ever, getting ready to take the pain.

That was when my panic attacks began, my first one, that day. The worst day of my life...

-------------Back to Reality------------

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