10: Alex

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Leah's P.O.V

He stood in his bedroom and I couldn't take my eyes away. I know I probably shouldn't have stared but he had no top on, with only a towel wrapped round his waist to cover up his parts.
His body was wet, not soaking or drenched but you could tell he just came out the shower, his muscles were were tensed. Wether it was his biceps or his abs, it was perfect, I never noticed before his tan, such a nice, envy tan.
I must've  gone into a daze because he was suddenly smirking at me. I flashed out of my daze and started to blush like crazy mainly because I got caught.

"Like what you see, aye?" His face says it all, he's smirking at me and winking.

I try to act as cool as possible but also cocky. I stare straight at his face as he waits for a reply.
"No, not really."
I watch his expression drop into confusion as well as shock, he slowly walks over to the window and leans on the ledge staring at me. I continue what I'm doing but slowly get wound up at the fact he still hasn't moved after ten minutes.
I stand up and shut my curtains aggressively, suddenly I hear a chuckle from him.
I make my way downstairs to find my brother but he's not there, in all honesty he's no where in the house...
I pick my phone up and dial his number.

"Where are you?"
"Leah, I'm with Robyn."
"Robyn? What are you doing with Robyn, why is she with you?"
"We're just hanging out... Now did you want something?"
"Well yeah-no-yeh-ugh I don't even know!"
"Okay I'll be back soon okay?"

He immediately hangs the phone up on me. Robyn...
Why is he with her and what for? I don't understand since when have they ever got on with each other and spent time together? Never, that's when.

I pull my legs up the stairs back into my room to find a lost Alex laying across my bed.
"Get out."
"Why? What for?"
"Because I said so, bye." I say as I point to the window and stare at Alex's beady blue eyes. He doesn't move, he just stares back intensely.
We stare at each other for a good few minutes and that's when he slowly gets up and makes his way over to me, his face is about only two centimetres from mine, my heart goes beating ever so quickly. Suddenly his hands are on my bum, I don't give in though I carry on staring at him, I will never give into him. He leans forward, I don't know what to do.
Then that's where he says "no".
I let out a small breath and he starts to laugh holding onto his stomach. I say nothing and just look at him with a blank expression.

"I so got you!"
"No you didn't."
"Yes I really did and you know it!"
"Whatever." I answer back rolling my eyes, I grab my keys an head out of the house with him following behind.

"Where ya going?"
"Away from you."
"Ah cool, can I come?"
I turn round with the blankets expression on my face until he's realised what he had just said.
"Ohhh right... I'm still coming!"
We walk out the door with a slam behind us. And that's when I realise I don't actually know where I'm going and now I have no choice but to go somewhere as Alex is with me..."

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