21: Friends again

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Where the hell is Grace and Emily?!
Oh right, they're not talking... I completely forgot.

I see Emily talking to Robyn outside their lockers.
"Hey guys!"
"Hey Leah!" Robyn replies.
"Heyyyy" Emily answers.
"So still not talking to Grace then?"
"Right come on." I say as I pull Emily's arm and drag her along with me.
"Where are we going?"
"Well we are going to Grace but you are going to make up with her."
"Yes you are! Stop being so petty like her and just sort things out."
"No I don't wan-"
"Hey Grace!"
"How have you been..?"
"Okay good."
"What do you actually want Leah? I'm not stupid."
"What I want is for you two to makeup and stop being so petty."
And at the exact same time they both said no.
"See you're even in sync with eachother." I say fluttering my eyelashes at Grace.
"I have nothing to say to her." Grace answers.
"Neither do I." Emily proceeds to say.
"Why should we?" Emily asks crossing her little arms.
"Because you should!"
"Not good enough." Grace says as she begins to walk up the stairs.
"Please? For me?" I look at them with pleading eyes and sad face. No one can resist this, not even my brother.
"Fine. Emily I'm sorry it was stupid. Can we go back to normal now?"
"I'm sorry too and of course we can!" A smile appears on their face and they hug each other. I hear them whisper that they've missed each other.
We make our way outside to the playground and the other two are chatting away like two little old ladies. It's adorable.
"So seen as neither of us have heard from you either has anything been going on?"
"Well I was meant go bowling bowling with Matt."
"Awwwww a date!" Emily squeals jumping up and down in excitement.
"No not a date and it didn't happen he went cinema with the boys. I had to babysit Alex's sister Lily when Brooklyn came round and waited all day for him, she then broke up with him after I left even in front of his mum. Found that out today so he's apparently depressed."
"Aw that's so sad, hope he's okay." Emily says.
"Yeah hope he's alright." Grace agrees.
"And one other thing. You know Ryder Linte..."
"Yes we know Ryder Linte who you got off with at the party." Grace says winking.
"Well it happened again..."
"What happened again?" Emily asks and Grace shoots her head round giving Emily a look as if to say 'idiot'.
"Think Emily think!" Grace tells her.
You can see by Emily's facial expression that she is trying so hard to work it out. She's not the brainiest out of everyone I must say...

"OH MY GOD! NO! YOU DIDNT! DID YOU? OH MY GOD YOU DID!" She's shouting at me causing me and Grace to burst out laughing.
"Yeah I did."
"NO WAY! OMG!" Emily continues to shout.
"Don't tell anyone, please?"
"Alright we won't we promise." Grace ensures me.

As we make our way to our next class- English, they continue to ask me all about it, I give every single little detail even the pointless ones. As we slowly arrive to our class he walks towards us and I nudge both of them to make them be quiet. We walk past him in a cool way, it felt great! He's staring right at me with a smirk but I brush it off acting as if I don't care, he notices. Once he goes past Grace turns to see if he looks back because obviously I can't and he does, he actually stops and stares at me. Why? Who knows.

"That was so good!" Emily shouts in excitement merely because of the way we just acted.            "I know." I respond laughing.

Once English and Art has finished it is finally lunch. And I am starving. I make my way to the canteen as I always meet the girls there anyways, as I go in I grab some chips for my lunch and head over to the boys where they're all eating. I don't say anything just stand and eat.

"Leah can I ask you something? You need to be truthful okay?" Elliot says to me in quiet.

"Sure... What is it?" I hate when people say this to me, it makes me nervous and worried as to what it is about.

*Hey guys! I know I have said multiple times I will update more but unfortunately I become rather busy without even realizing, and due to being so busy I tend to forget. I probably have the worst memory in the world. However this is just a quick chapter for you to read and get you intrigued as to what Elliot is going to ask.

Do you think it'll be bad, good or completely un-guessable?

Vote and let me know what you think in the comments. Thankyou! Love Meg xxx*

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