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chapter 1

It was 6:20 when  Luke's mom came into his room to wake him up for school.

He stretched in his bed, only to find that his back and arms hurt from yesterday when he had a talk with his dad about his C+ in Biology. He got the usual punishment he always gets when he does something wrong.


Luke had just walked in through the door after coming home from school and there was his Dad, standing in front of him, waiting till he came home.

"Um, hi, dad." Luke said in an awkward tone, not knowing what was about to happen.

"Luke," His Dad said in an angry, deep voice "What the hell is this? You have a C+ in Biology?"

Almost immediately, Luke started to shake with fear and stuttered trying to explain why his grade had dropped from, what used to be, a B. "Y-Yes, but I swear I'm trying! I-I only forgot to turn in my h-homework on Tuesday because I forgot it in my room. Please, I'm sorry."

"You know I don't care for your stupid excuses, I expect you to always have A's and no lower than a B," He paused for a minute and started to undo the belt that was around his waist. "Turn around." He said.

"But dad-" Luke tried to resist.

"Turn. Around." He repeated. This time more harsh.

Luke dropped his backpack to the ground and did what he was told.


The first hit was to his back which caused him to flinch and bite his lip, not daring to yelp out in pain or else it would get worse.

Even though this was happening, a little voice inside his head was telling him that he deserved it, even though he really didn't.

His Dad  continued to intentionally beat Luke with the belt for five minutes and you can already imagine how painful it was for him to sleep that night.


Luke got up out of his bed and changed into his outfit for that day: Black shirt, red & black flannel, black jeans with rips in the knees, and his black converse. No, Luke isn't "emo", his favorite color just happens to be black. He made sure not to roll up the sleeves on his flannel this time, or else people would be able to see the bruises from the previous night.

After that, he walked down stairs (skipping breakfast) and said goodbye to his mom before heading out the door and walking to school.

At school, Luke didn't have many friends simply because he was fine with having one: Calum Hood. He's been his best friend since middle school and really the only person he's ever been able to trust. But again, Luke would talk to people here and there and didn't mind making new friends.

When he got there he went straight to his first period (which was English) and saw Calum already sitting in his desk.

He went and sat down next to him, also while greeting him.

"Hey dude, what's up?" He asked the dark haired boy.

Calum looked up from his phone and smiled instantly at his best friend. "Hey Luke."

Luke instantly started a conversation about one of their favorite bands after doing their handshake thing and setting his backpack on the floor.

"Dude, did you hear that Beartooth's coming to Sydney?!" He exclaimed in excitement.

"What?" Calum's eyes widened. "When?!"

"On my birthday!" Luke nearly yelled with a huge smile on his face.

His best friend was also smiling like an idiot and replied, "We have to go! If anything I'll buy you the ticket as a present!"

The blonde boy's heart started racing. "You wouldn't." He said in disbelief.

Calum nodded, "Oh yes I would."

"Cal, you really don't have to."

"But I want to. You're my best friend and you deserve it honestly."

They both kept on bickering about the tickets and eventually Calum ended the conversation by saying he would buy the tickets, and the bell also cut him off.

After their first period had ended, they went onto their next class (that they also had together) and just continued to talk about anything and everything that came to their minds.

That was one problem they both had in school though, they'd talk too much and would sometimes get in trouble by the teachers or would have a hard time learning what they were thought that day in class.

Even though neither of them really cared about getting in trouble, Luke did just a little bit more than Cal because he knew his dad would be angry with him if he found out. And he knew what the consequences were.

But for today, Luke didn't care because his best friend made him happy and nobody else could really do that for him like Cal could.


Hellooooo ! So I've posted a new fic and I'm so excited !!! I've had this idea since last year and I barely got the courage to finally post because I realized: life's to short for me not to post a 5sos fic. I hope you guys like it as much as I do !! See y'all next time :)


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