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I savored the sweet taste
of happiness dancing upon
the top of my tongue when
I had death hanging in my
soul, I savored the little bit
of light that shone through
on my dank and dark forest
floor, and when the light
went down, all was peaceful
even though the hole in my
broken heart didn't mend.
I enjoyed that little taste of
happiness, for it was like a
rush of excitement. A rush of
excitement I felt rarely. And
when you feel the rush rarely,
it makes your happiness
become bigger happiness and
you become so euphoric for
the time being that happiness
is there. Now that it's all I can
feel, I despise it's being. I despise
the rush of sugar that invades
my tastebuds and shakes my
brain and fills my heart. I
entirely despise the way I feel
so giddy and happy and even
without babe I feel ok.
I entirely bloody DESPISE it.

[destroyed] poetry        (BOOK TWO OF MY CRAPPY POETRY)Where stories live. Discover now