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little, oh little innocent one,
you have been hurt and broken,
but darling, you're perfect.
little , oh little sweet one,
you have cut your wrists...
sweetie why?
little, oh little angelic one,
you have bled for hours...
angel why would you do this?
"im sorry...it just hurt too much..."
little, oh little glorious one,
darling, please don't cry...
don't cut your thighs...
little, oh little bright one,
you shine like a light...
please don't hurt yourself...
darling, put the blade down,
sweetie, keep down your food,
angel, stop eating the pills,
oh baby, no! don't die on me!
she placed the flowers on her little sister's
grave, oh sweetie, sweetie, now don't you
start cutting. oh baby, please go back to
smiling, oh darling, don't cry, she loved you.
soon enough... her sister would join her,
in single harmony. baby...

We miss you....

[destroyed] poetry        (BOOK TWO OF MY CRAPPY POETRY)Where stories live. Discover now