219 marionette

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marionette, marionette,
dressed in black,
do you realize that you've been attacked?
marionette, marionette,
once so free and once so sweet,
has now been drowned and
turned her face red as a beet.
marionette, marionette,
silly girl, think you could win?
so funny, no girl, they throw you in a bin.
marionette, marionette,
wrapped limbs with strings,
who knew you could hate your being.
marionette, marionette,
attacked you were,
now caged like a bird,
haha, you have now been crowned- er
marionette, marionette,
black hair, green eyes,
who knew you would be controlled by none other than i?

(AUTHORS NOTE: I drew that marionette and am still finishing it for a contest, this marionette is a prized piece of mine as I'm thinking of making another marionette as well but a different pose and quote.)

[destroyed] poetry        (BOOK TWO OF MY CRAPPY POETRY)Where stories live. Discover now