Jack gets on.........

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Jack was now getting on in years. Although, he was a loner,and kept very much to himself, he was an excellent banjo player.

The villagers always sent for him when they had something to celebrate and wanted to liven up the occasion with a bit of a dance or a sing-song.

Jack was always their with his banjo, ready to strum away and tap out a beat all night long.

In fact, he was so good and so much in demand that whenever there was a celebration in the village of Barkham, at the top of the valley, old Jack was summoned to perform.

Of course, Jack always left in good time on such occasions, and always travelled by the longer route to Barkham, across the top of the hills.

He was not very superstitious or fearful by nature, but for reasons best known to himself, he stayed away from the crossroad.

And at the end of a musical evening, Jack always made sure he got a lift back home on somebody's cart.

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