The party

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A big crowd turned up for the Robson's party. The house was too small, so the guests gathered in the barn.

Long tables had been arranged along one side, for the food and the drinks, and there were sacks and drums, chairs and benches arranged along the opposite length of the barn.

It was here that the merrymakers danced and talked together in small groups. In one corner sat the musicians.

Jack with his banjo, John with his accordion, and the Partridge twins with their fiddles and others who joined in from time to time with a variety of instruments.

Three large wood - burning stoves kept the barn warm, but these were hardly necessary after an hour, because the dancers had been leaping about so energetically.

The music played on. Food and drink was consumed in vast quantities. Everyone was having fun. The dancing became more and more vigorous.

The musicians increased the volume and rhythm of the playing. The sound in the barn rose to a deafening crescendo.

Jack strummed with all his might. He had not known an evening quite like this.

His long grey hair hung over his eyes, and the sweat trickled down his locks and dripped into his banjo. His cheeks were fiery red.

The tips of his fingers felt like smouldering embers. But Jack played on regardless. He strummed on, and on, and on......

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