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I'm not sure where I'm going. I've been wandering around for three hours, my clothes stuck to my skin and soaked with sweat. The bottoms of my feet are burning and bleeding, and I've got sunburn in unwanted places.
I keep checking my phone to see if Jack even cared a little about me to check up on me. My phone remains silent all day.
"Hey!" I hear someone shout. "That's Jack Johnson!"
I turn around, happy that in my demise I'm still recognizable.
"No, that's a hobo!" Someone else shouts. So much for being famous.
It seems as if I've made this walk too many times. I just want to go home, I just want to lay in Jack's arms and go to sleep and never wake up. Why did he do that to me? If he wasn't happy with me, he could have said so.
Around noon I receive a text from Andrew's parents. He made the surgery okay.
I'm exhausted, and my feet hurt like hell. I don't know where I am, but I decide to turn around and head back to our house.
When I get there, only Jack, Allison, Skate, and Sam are there. I don't care that the Bitch is in my house, I just want to sleep.
"Jack!" Says Sam. He runs over to me, hugging me. I flinch.
"Are you okay?" He asks, noticing the trail of blood my feet left behind.
I shake my head, tears streaming from my eyes. The burn my cheeks and lips as they fall from my face.
Skate steps over to us, giving Sam a look. Jack and Allison stay back.
"I hate you." I run up the stairs, away from everything. My feet burn terribly against the carpet, and when I run into the room I presume to be mine, I collapse on the floor. My feet have pieces of gravel embedded in them, and my skin is scorched an ugly pink. All over I'm in physical and mental pain.
I sit up, the carpet and my clothes rubbing against me in awful ways. I reach into my suitcase, pulling out a bag of pills. I pop them all into my mouth, not aware of how many I'm taking.
My mind reacts to them almost instantly. The world around me bursts into stars, the colours exploding.
There's a knock on my door, imploding into my head.
"Who is it?" I say. Oddly enough, my voice sounds amazing. Usually it sounds robotic when I take drugs.
"Jack. Your... your boyfriend."
"Go away."
"Jack, let me in, please. You sound terrible."
"I sound fine. Leave me alone. I hate you!"
"Just let me explain!"
"There's nothing to explain! Go away!"
There's a pause, then thumps penetrate the vortex of my mind.
My head hurts. My mind hurts. Everything hurts.
Suddenly I fall over, unable to control my movements. My vision goes black, and I lose all my senses, and my body goes n-

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