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chapter forty dudes 

It took all of my will power to say no to Jack when he wanted to have sex in the hotel room. The way his lips had felt on mine and against my skin had been enough to make anyone insane. He was walking next to me now, his hand in hind. We were both panting heavily like a couple of hooligans, as my mom would say.

Jack caught me staring at him and smiled. "Hi," he said simply.

I smiled back at him, my eyes fixed on the way a strand of his dark hair fell across his forehead, or the way his smile was just slightly crooked... I shook my head to clear those thoughts. I was going to have a decent night with my boyfriend. I mean, I hoped I was going to have a decent night.

I stopped mid-stride, making Gilinsky stumble and look at me with bewilderment. "Baby?" he asked, his eyes full of concern. "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head and rubbed my arm. "Uh, no, it's just that- well, I've been on a beach before. I've been on a lot of beaches. Pretty ones, too. I just- well-"

Jack was staring at me, amusement lighting his eyes. He kept licking his lips and staring at my own. I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. "Just, what's so romantic about having sex on a beach?" I asked. Jack's flew wide open, though if it was from shock or amusement, I couldn't tell. "Wouldn't you get sand everywhere?" I continued, making an utter fool of myself.

Jack puffed out his cheeks and sat down, holding out his hands. Then he lost it, laughing like a maniac. He was laughing for a goof ten minutes before he had regained enough breath to talk.

"Jack, baby," he said, smiling at me, tears rimming his eyes. "Why are you thinking about having sex on a beach?"

"Uhhhhh," I said, blushing. "No reason." I tugged on his arm. "Come on, let's go watch the sunset."

Jack smiled and pulled me close to him. Our faces were so close that our noses brushed, and it seemed as if someone had struck a match between us. I felt like I did in those early stages of our relationship: wild, desperate, urgent, electric. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him right then and there, but tourists were staring at us.

Jack noticed them, too. He eyed them warily, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Why don't we go down to the beach and watch the sunset then head back to the hotel room?" he suggested. His fidgety-ness and the way his eye jumped allover my body said that he wanted to go straight back to the hotel room.

I placed my lips on his collarbone and pulled away quickly. I didn't want to bring too much attention to ourselves. Jack's eyes were closed, but when I pulled away, they snapped open. He smiled down at me. I really wished we hadn't left the hotel room.

"How 'bout," I said, grabbing his hand. "How 'bout we go back to the hotel room, where no one can see us?"

Jack smiled and looked down at my hand. "Sounds good."

I led him through the crowds of people on the streets. The sun was already setting, casting orange and pink light across the sky. Since the ocean was to the west, it looked like the rolling salt water waves was swallowing the sun. It was both an eerie and beautiful sight.

Jack and I checked back into our hotel room. The old lady smiled at us as we climbed the stairs. It seemed like we couldn't get into the bedroom fast enough; we had barely made to our floor before Jack's lips were on mine.

"Jack," I protested meagerly, putting my hands on his broad chest. "Wait 'till we reach the room."

"Don't wanna wait," he said simply, pressing his lips against my neck. I let out a low moan.

"No, Jack," I said more forcefully. I led him to the hotel room, fumbling with the keys to let us in. It wasn't easy to concentrate when Jack was planting kisses allover my neck. Finally, I unlocked the door. We stumbled inside, Jack slamming it behind us and locking it before he turned to me.

A smile played across his lips, and he lunged at me, knocking me onto the bed. His lips pressed against mine, his tongue forcing his way into my mouth. It seemed nostalgic. I've kissed him before, and I've  had sex with him before, but this seemed different. It seemed more real. Months ago, before I went to the party that almost killed me, I had only dreamed this moment.

He tore his lips away from mine. I pressed my body back against his, aching for more. His teeth nipped playfully at my collarbone. He brought his head back up so he could look me in the eyes, and I stared back, feelings swirling throughout my body. His hands ran over my torso, nudging my shirt up. I got it over my head with some difficulty then stared at Jack. I was half-naked, and he just sat there, staring at my body all stupid like.

"Jack?" I prompted. "Uh, what's wrong?" I twisted my body to I could grab my shirt again then pull it back on so I could talk to Jack. His hand flashed out and grabbed mine, stopping my motions. My chest heaved with hot, heavy breaths.

"No," he said. "I was just admiring you."

I felt a thick blush creep over my face. Jack quickly tore off his shirt and pants so he was left in his boxers. He smiled at me then helped me shake off my pants. He ran his hands over my skin, the ghosts of his fingertips lingering. His lips kissed every part of me. He grabbed my wrists and looked at my scars, his expression unclear.

I jerked my arms away from him self consciously. There weren't the only parts of my body that wore self harm scars, but they were thickest there. I stared at Jack, waiting for him to say something. We'd talked about my scars multiple time before. Jack was full aware of them. Yet, every time he saw them he always got... weird.

He grabbed my arms again, more gentle this time. Then he kissed my scars, his soft lips brushing my damaged skin. "I love you," he said, not giving me time to respond, because his lips were back on mine in seconds.

As his lips worked mine, he slowly pulled down my boxers. I kicked them off and tried to ignore how exposed I felt. He put his hand on the inside of my thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles.  He pulled off his own boxers soon afterward, and we both lay in bed, naked and making out.

And Jack gave me a blow job. I won't go into details about that, cause that's weird.

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