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Jack Edward Johnson.
The love of my life.
He's so cute. I'm so glad that he's finally mine again. And this time, I won't make another stupid mistake like last time. This is the boy I want to marry. I want to live the rest of my life with him and create our own little forever.
He's asleep on me right now. His head lays on my chest, and his breathing is the only sound in the quiet room.
I stroke his hair absent-mindedly, my mind too preoccupied. His heart beats against my ribs and I close my eyes, lost in the void that is him.
Everything about Jack Johnson is perfect. From the way he walks to the way he talks to the way he moves to the way he lives. I am so, so lucky. I don't know how I ever cheated on him with a hag like Allison.
I know I'm young. I'm twenty years old. But I think I'm going to ask Jack to marry me. We've only been dating eight months, but we've known each other all our lives.
I've asked Sam and Nash to help me with the proposal. I'll wait until the Cherry Blossom Festival or the Rose Parade in Portland, because Jack loves it there. And then he'll always be mine.
I push myself up on my elbows slightly, not too much so I don't disturb Jack's sleep. I kiss his head then lay back down. My eyes scan the ceiling as I listen to the sounds of Jack's breathing and the world outside. Sirens wail, dogs bark, a child screams next door. The usual LA sounds. Before I know what I'm doing, I'm singing softly.
"When the tides they drag you out, when the tides they drag you out, out further... further than you've ever been, well I know."
Jack stirs against my chest, murmuring something inaudible. I smile and caress his hair, sliding my fingers lightly against his skin. Eventually I close my eyes and fall asleep.

The next morning, Jack was already up. I groan and roll over, snuggling deeper into the blankets for warmth since Jack had left me. I'm about to doze off again when Jack jumps onto the bed.
"Jack! Wake up! We have so much to do today!"
I sit up and pull JJ into my lap. I kiss his forehead, then his nose, and finally I get to his lips. I press my tongue against his teeth, requesting entry. He opens his mouth to part way and then we're rolling around on the bed, our lips locked passionately. Finally, he pulls away.
"Jack," he says. "We gotta get ready."
I groan. "For what?"
He smiles and kisses my nose. "Our date."
"Another one?"
"What do you mean another one?! You're damn lucky I'm putting up with your pleb ass!"
I start laughing.
"Okay, JJ. I love you," I say.
He pauses, biting his lip.
"What?" I ask.
He smiles slightly, licking his lip. "You called me JJ. You haven't called me that in forever," he says.
I nod slowly. "Yeah, sorry. I won't do it again."
"No, it's fine. I actually kinda like it when you call me that," he smiles again, biting his lip once more.
I smile then sling my arm around his shoulders and kiss him. We get ready, both of us wearing casual-formal clothing. I walk him out to my car, but he insists on driving. I scoff and let him, and he drives us around the city aimlessly. I end up falling asleep in the car once he hits the highway.
A few hours later, Jack is shaking me awake.
"Wake up, Baby. We're here."
I yawn and rollover, looking out the window.

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