10 [Breathes]

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Jungkook POV
I was fidgeting with my fingers while sitting next to Yoongi, waiting for Taehyung. He tried to find something, I don't know. Yoongi hyung kept telling everything would be fine, but I couldn't believe his words.


I looked to my shoulder to see him sleep, he must have been after eating at the hospital so long. Taehyung came in the room again with a nervous feeling. He grabbed my hand and put his finger on my lip.

"Kookie-ah I'm sorry I don't know much about the accident, but you are free to stay here.."

I nodded. "What about Yoongi ?"

"He will need to talk back with Jimin..." He said looking away.

I sat on the couch and started playing on my phone. Taehyung had his eyes on me, I could see from the corner of my eyes how intently he was staring.

"Kookie-ah..." I said in a low tone.


"Do you still feel any pain, if so you don't need to carry that pain."

I looked at him in the eyes, "It's nothing, I'm just... I -I just... I'm very hungry and bored.." I lied to him again, what should it matter though he's lying to me. I can tell by the guilt flashing on his face the second he saw me. He walked over to me and ruffled my hair while hugging me tight which made me blush.

"How about we go to the store and we can ask Jin-hyung to cook?"

"That sounds good, but can we watch some of the anime." I said pointing to his anime DVDs stacked on top of each other next to the tv.

"Sure you can!" He smiled, I couldn't tell, maybe this was a lie. He's beginning to get harder to figure out.

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