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Batman's P.O.V

"Batman!...wait for me." Robin says as he trips over his own foot.

I look back at him then I place my hand on my forehead then looked down at the ground. "What is it this time, my son." I say with a smirk then his big eyes get even bigger.

He asked me, "Hey. Ummm.....Batman, can we get a dog? You know a cute one?"

I looked at him and said "Ummm. No."

Then Robin grabbed my arm and yanked it like a kid at a toy store with his dad yelling and begging for the toy but for Robin it was a dog. "Come on, Batman. Can you give me a reason why not to?"

I look at him in those little puppy dog eyes and said, "Because, first, you have school. Second, you're too busy helping me to keep Gotham city safe and last, we just don't have time to take care of a dog, okay?"

Robin looked sad then he looked at the ground.

"Come on. We have to go to the bat cave now." I then polled my phone out and called Alfred *phone was ringing*"Hello. Alfred, we are on our way home."

Alfred then said "Master Bruce, would you like me to get lunch ready for you and Master Dick?"

I said to him, "Alfred, that would be great. Thank you. See you in a minute, okay?" Then I got in the bat-mobile right after that Robin got in then yelled at me.


Then I looked at him and said, "Okay. Come back fast. Alfred, is waiting for us now hurry!"

Then he jumps out of the car and runs to the bathroom.

I looked out the window and at my phone. The background was of his and and Dick the day he adopted him. Ah. The good times.

Then Dick jumped in the car and said, "Bruce, can we please pleassssse pleassssssssssse have a puppy! I will love it and take care of it!!! Please!!!"

I then looked at him and said, "What did I say, Dick...what did I say?"

Then he looked at me and then said "Well that sucks because I have a PUPPPPPPYYYY!" He holds up a little puppy dog and puts it in my face. "See?"

I looked at him then yelled. "DICK!!"

He was so happy then I didnt say anything for the rest of the way home. Then he looked at me and said, "What should we name him?"

I didnt even look at him I just sat there and drove. "We? There is no we in this situation."

Then Dick gasped and said, "I got it! Ace The Bathound! That will be his name from now on!"

I then look at him and said "Okay...but, Robin, what am I going to say to Alfred?" With a groan we drove off to go back to go home.

Batman and Robin One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now