Chapter 3: A Single Father

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Ichigo Kurosaki

...I wonder what's taking everyone so long...?

He did ask his wife to grab their son from his room for dinner but maybe the two of them headed off to bed early. Rukia seemed like she needed some time alone, so he'd leave it at that. Ichigo sighed and picked up his spoon, eating his dinner that he had made by himself. He was sitting at the dinner table in utter silence, not hearing anything from upstairs or outside, just the slight buzzing from the lights above his head. He tapped his metal spoon on the side of his bowl slowly as to break the silence and lonely feeling he had felt. There was this ache in his heart again. When Rukia introduced herself it set something off, like a switch in his mind that was left alone until she came along and flicked it on. Could it be that because she sounded so desperate that Ichigo became convinced he knew her as well?

He tapped his foot anxiously. God he hated this feeling. Ichigo sighed and continued to wait alone at the table with a small scowl upon his face.


Rukia Kuchiki

The child stared at her with such an joyful smile that it warped into an eerie expression, one that was too sweet and happy for anyone's taste and dripping in honey and syrup. Kotori took a step forward, instinctively making Rukia feel threatened. Her hand went to her waist, just then realizing she was unarmed and without her zanpokutou.


She mumbled to herself, averting her eyes to the ground. Kotori giggled, spinning around on his tippy-toes. 

"You b*tch. Were you trying to use Sode no Shirayuki on me~"

Rukia gasped, her violet eyes growing as she backed up in concern. How did he know her zanpokutou? And did he just call her a-Her voice became cold as ice as she hissed out at the boy.

"Who are you?"

Kotori cocked his head to the side, grinning from ear to ear, inching closer and closer to Rukia.

"Hm? Why I'm just a little boy~"

But his voice wasn't like a child's. It was dark and terrifying, spreading through her veins like poison. Kotori straightened his back and let out an exasperated sigh, only a few inches away from Rukia.

"Precisely the worthy son of Ichigo and Orihime Kurosaki."

His smirk grew and curled up his pale skin, attaching itself like a distorted vine.

"Doesn't that make you jealous, Rukia? I mean you were suppose to be with him and Orihime was suppose to be with Uryu but times have changed."

She sucked in her breath too quickly, in shock of Kotori's last words.

Me...and Ichigo?

Rukia shook her head rapidly, pacing her breath again. A small frown appeared on her face as she too straightened up.

"No. It does not."

She lied.

"However, I cannot tolerate anyone who uses their powers to change the future for their own needs."

Kotori stared at her with a raised eyebrow but Rukia could see through his tricks. She cracked a smile, knowing she had a chance of winning.

"You did all of this just so you could be born, am I wrong? You've erased everyone's memories, playing them like a chess piece that you could control. You, a naive and clueless child, wanted to create his own fantasy where he could live with a family he created and live in a world where everything is perfect in your own eyes."

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