How Did This Happen?

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I would like to reiterate that I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story, simply the storyline is mine. I would like to thank all of you who are still reading and have been patient with my updates. You are all amazing darlings, I only see there being a few more chapters in this story. I don't like to drag things on and I feel the end is approaching quickly. Without further ado here is the next chapter.

Eddward was stunned into silence after him and Kevin had exchanged their first kiss. It only further shocked him when Kevin kissed him once again, on the cheek but still. It had barely dawned on him that Kevin had asked him a question, blushing slightly he looked into a pair of emerald green eyes that were simply dancing with amusement. Eddward tried to clear his throat. "M-my apologies K-Kevin, I didn't quite catch what y-you said. Would you be s-so kind as to repeat yourself?" Kevin chuckled a little, standing up and holding a hand out to Eddward. As Eddward grabbed his hand and he started to pull Edd up he pulled him into his arms, holding him close. "I asked if you'd like help with the blankets."

Blushing Eddward nods as he goes back into the closet he grabbed the blankets from to grab some pillows as well. He looks to Kevin and smiles. "That would be splendid, if you'd be so kind as to bring them down with you. Please be careful though." Eddward was heading downstairs with the pillows, Kevin following close behind as he heard Kevin ask a question. "So what are we watching D?" Once they reached the living room and set the objects on the couch he looks to Kevin. "Well you see Kevin, I um haven't decided. I figured I'd allow you the opportunity. I wouldn't want to bore you with my documentaries." Kevin shrugged rubbing the back of his neck. "So uh where are your movies?" Eddward pointed towards a bookcase that had quite a bit of movies on it.

Walking over to it Kevin realized that they were categorized then broken into subcategories then upon further inspection were broken into alphabetical order. Shaking his head at how peculiar his little dork could be Kevin began to look for a movie. Settling on an action movie he put the disk in and sat on the couch, gesturing for Edd to join him. Edd's breath hitched as he made his way closer to Kevin, trying his best to keep what dignity he had left he sat on the far side of Kevin. Snorting some Kevin got up, remembering his popcorn. He started the movie before heading to the kitchen, by the time he'd return the previews would still be going. After adding some salt to the bag and shaking it around he heads back into the living room to see Edd had relaxed a little. Walking back to his seat, Kevin sits down setting the popcorn between them. Turning his attention to the screen watching the previews, waiting for the main menu.

As Kevin watched the previews, Eddward began to sneak little glimpses of the redhead, each glimpse making his heart race a bit. He was confused and very unsure of how to assess the situation. What did the kiss mean? Kevin clearly meant to do it or he would have explained himself by now. Does he want to be down this path? Is this path even safe? Kevin used to bully him and the thought of that makes Eddward shrink back a little. How could he even think he had a crush on Kevin? He used to be so cruel to him, but he was never as cruel as Eddy had been to him. Maybe Kevin was safe? Maybe he shouldn't read too much into it anyway. Kevin hadn't tried anything else, and it's not like he hadn't allowed Kevin to do it. Eddward continued to think, his facial expressions changing with his mind. Kevin smirked and watched as Eddward's face continued to change. His smile only widened as he thought of how to approach this.

Kevin leaned in as Eddward was lost in thought, leaning right by his ear and whispers a bit roughly. "Thinking about our kiss, D?" This managed to Eddward jump and turn a peculiar shade of red. "N-not at all K-Kevin." This succeeded in making Kevin laugh as he looked the boy over once more. "You sure D? That reaction says otherwise." Edd quickly clears his throat, tugging on his beanie before responding. "I'll have you know that this reaction was caused simply by you being in close proximity." Kevin smirks again and quickly grabs Eddward's waist, pulling him onto Kevin's lap and whispers against his ear again. "Is that so Edd? So being close to me causes you to blush and jump, what about now?" Eddward was stunned for a few moments but instantly began squirming on Kevin's lap, trying to break free of Kevin's grasp, his face reddening even more then before. "K-Kevin this is hi-highly inappropriate, put me down this instant!" Kevin growls a little, holding Eddward tighter leaning in nipping at the boy's ear. "You may want to stop squirming D, it makes things a bit u-um well uncomfortable for me." Quickly understanding what Kevin was saying Edd quickly stopped moving but didn't stop telling him what to do. "If you'd put me down I wouldn't have been moving now would I? You brought it upon yourself, now release me."

Kevin took a shaky breath before squeezing tighter. "Oh Edd, the fact that you don't even understand what you do to me is terrifying. Please don't say things like 'release me' right now it takes my mind elsewhere." Eddward blushes, going red again, giving up he slumps back against Kevin huffing. Kevin lays his head on Edd's shoulder trying to calm his pulse. "Would you like to start the movie?" Eddward asks looking over at Kevin's face, they were so close.

His heart started beating quicker as he looks at the redhead. He realized how much trouble he was in, this boy here was all he could want but he didn't want to want him. He didn't know why he felt this way, he just broke up with Eddy a day or two ago. But this boy here had been his focus since then. He didn't want to rush into anything, he didn't want to make Kevin a rebound. For all he knew Kevin is only treating him like this to get his mind off the break-up. He didn't hear Kevin respond to the question, he only snapped back when he felt a pair of lips on his, he gave in quickly again kissing the other boy back. Kevin smiled as he pulled away still holding Eddward on his lap, squeezing his arms around Edd's waist. As Eddward starts the movie he feels a pair of lips on his cheek, blushing again. "You're too cute D."

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