Chapter II

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Deans PoV

Dean had Sam were currently playing frisbee outside, Bones jumping around them, and barking. The boys had quickly gotten dressed after breakfast, and immediately went outside after that. Now it was almost dark.

Dean caught the frisbee one last time, and smiled. "Alright, Sammy, go back inside. I believe you told me you have a report to write." He said, pointing at his little brother. Sam groaned, but nodded, and slowly started to go back to their house.

Dean smiled at him, and sat the frisbee down, before stripping of his shorts and t-shirt.

He was now left in his boxers, and stood for a moment, to enjoy the warm sea air, before diving into the water.

He swam around, admiring the ocean until he had to go back up for air. He did this for several minutes, until he noticed it was completely dark outside.

He headed to the shore, only to have a large wave come crashing down upon him.

He was sucked back under the water, but every time he tried to go back up for air, he was forced down again.

He soon grew tired, the oxygen slowly fading from his lungs.

However, right before he fell into unconscious, a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist, and quickly pulled him to shore.

He was placed on the sand, where he began to cough up the water he'd swallowed. He rolled onto his stomach, and breathed in deeply, happy to be on land again.

That is until he looked to his right, and saw a pair a bright blue eyes staring back at him.

He moved onto his back, and into a sitting a position, before examining the man in front of him.

Okay, he's cute. Bright blue eyes, toned chest... tail?! He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He coward back from the creature, and looked at him with a truly terrified expression.

"What are you?" He asked, eyeing him up and down.

The creature smiled, and moved closer to him, using his strong arms to pull himself. "My dear Dean, you ask too many questions." He said, simply.

Dean shook his head, and looked at him confused, "I've only asked you one!" He stated, moving to stand up. But as soon as he stood, the creature grabbed his foot, causing him to fall on his back.

The creature moved over top of him, his large, blue tail resting between Deans legs. "My name is Castiel." He stated, quietly, staring at Dean as he ran his thumb over Deans cheek bone.

Dean turned his head away, before looking back at Castiel, once he'd removed his hand. "What are you?" He asked again, his voice a bit more stern now.

Castiel smiled a bit, and shook his head. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that. I must go now, my dear Dean. I do hope we meet again. But you cannot tell anyone you've met me. You have to promise." He explained, staring intently into Deans eyes.

Dean stared back, and nodded quickly. Castiel nodded, "Good." He said, simply, and leaned down to place a gentle kiss to Deans forehead. He pulled back and smiled at him, "Goodbye, Dean." He said, crawling off of him, and swimming back into the ocean.

Deah laid there for a minute, staring at the spot where Castiel's tail had disappeared into the water. He finally stood up, and let out a heavy sigh, trying to comprehend what he'd just witnessed. "Okay, Dean. You just.. hit your head, that's all." He told himself, and grabbed his things off of the dry sand, before heading back to his house.

When he'd gotten home, he told his father that he wasn't really hungry, and immediately went to his room. He closed, and locked the door, before falling into his bed. He didn't feel like changing, but luckily his boxers were dry now.

He fell asleep quickly after that, his window open with a slight cold breeze blowing into his room.

He hadn't ever noticed the blue eyes staring down at him from his window, until he woke up in the early morning, to see them looking upon him.

So, the picture has no relation in where my story is heading, but I found it and thought it was amazing.

697 words.

Destiel Merman AUWhere stories live. Discover now