Chapter III

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Third Person

Castiel had never thought a human, much less a human as gorgeous as Dean, would help him. Humans were meant to be afraid of Castiel's kind, not help them.

He couldn't help but want to see Dean again.

He loved swimming in the ocean, but he loved swimming in the humans green eyes even more. He just wanted to see him one more time before his brothers find out.

So that night, he'd crawled upon the land, and went to Deans window, hoping he'd be dry in time, and have his legs. Every time he's seen Dean, he's had his tail, and he'd like for the gorgeous male to see him normally for once. Well, normal for a human.

Luckily, Deans window was on the first floor, for he didn't want to have to climb much.

He jumped up to the window sill, and sat on it, looking down at the sleeping Dean. He looks so peaceful. He'd thought, smiling down at him.

He reached a hand down, and brushed his fingers over the males cheek, watching as he rolled over onto his back.

Castiel stared at him, a fond look on his face, until Deans green eyes fluttered open.

They stared at each other for a moment, until Dean sat up quickly, and held a pillow out, as if it would protect him. "What are you doing here?" He asked, quietly, not wanting to wake his father or brother.

Castiel tilted his head to the side, his eyes squinted slightly, "I wanted to see you." He replied, his voice a low whisper.

Dean swallowed thickly, and eyed him up and down, his eyes widening when he saw how Castiel was naked, and had legs. "Y-You're naked." He murmered, blushing darkly as he looked away.

Castiel looked down at himself, and frowned, "I'm terribly sorry for my impetuous acts. I did not mean for this." He said awkwardly.

Dean coughed, and threw the pillow at him, "It's fine.." He said, before getting up from his bed to grab a pair of boxers. "Here, put these on." He murmered, handing them to Castiel.

Castiel took the clothing, and looked at it with confusion. "I'm afraid I don't understand how this works." He said, still looking at them, while he held the pillow to his exposed area.

Dean sighed, and took them back, before handing Castiel a thin blanket, "Then wrap this around your waist." He said.

Castiel took the blanket and nodded, before standing from the window sill. He wrapped the blanket around his waist, and looked up at Dean. "I'm sorry for my intrude. I just wanted to see you one last time." He explained, staring at Dean sadly.

Dean looked back to him, an eyebrow raised, "One last time?" He asked, confused.

Castiel nodded, "We won't be able to see each other after tonight. My brothers.. they forbid me to have contact with any humans." He stated, frowning.

Dean nodded slowly, "Will you tell me what you are exactly?" He asked, but sighed when he watched as Castiel shook his head.

"That I cannot do. I can't run the risk of being found out about. That is why I made you promise to keep me a secret when you saw me." He said, referring to on the beach, earlier that night.

Dean nodded once more, and turned to face him fully. He hadn't ever noticed the slight dark blue that seemed to stain Castiel's cheeks, coming from his hair line. He'd never payed attention to the small fins he had, instead of ears. They were light blue in color, and see through, like the ones on his tail. There were as well one on each of his elbows, where he took notice of the long black nails he had on every finger. Castiel definitely looked like a monster, but he sure as hell didn't act like one.

Dean stared at him, and watched as Castiel smiled slightly, almost backing away in fear as he saw how every one of his teeth were slightly sharp, like a sharks teeth.

Castiel frowned at the fear in Deans eyes, and walked closer to him, to which Dean took a step back. Castiel, however, continued to walk closer to him, until Dean was pressed against the wall. He raised his hand up, and rested it on Deans cheek gently, trying to calm the human.

Dean turned his head away, his eyes shut tightly as he thought Castiel would hurt him. But when he felt the soft skin of his hand against his cheek, he opened his eyes, and turned his head slowly to look at him.

"I would never hurt you, Dean. You saved me." He said, quietly, and leaned up, his face a mere centimeter away from Deans.

Dean stared at him, his eyes flickering down to Castiel's lips, then back up to his eyes, which were now closed. Is he going to kiss me? Oh god, he getting closer. What do I do!? Dean thought to himself, as he closed his eyes as well.

A moment later, he felt the soft lips of Castiel's against his own, and then memories started flooding back into his head.

Memories of the beach, in the early morning, and Castiel lying on the sand, a large wound in his side, came back to him. How did he not remember any of this? Surly he would've remembered saving a mans' life. But he did not. It was odd.

Castiel pulled away after a moment, and opened his eyes to look at Dean. "What was that?" Dean asked quietly, his eyes still closed.

Castiel smiled, his hand still on Deans cheek, while the other gripped gently onto his bicep. "I made you remember the first time we met. I had originally made you forget, because I didn't want anyone to know about me, but we met again, and I didn't think I could stay away. After all, you did save my life." He explained, taking a step back from Deans warm body.

Dean opened his eyes, and stared at him in disbelief. "That's not possible." He said quietly, "You're not possible. I've just hit my head one too many times while swimming, okay? You're not real. I'm hallucinating." He stated, looking down at the ground as his breathing picked up slightly.

Castiel frowned, and stepped closer to him again, "Dean, I promise you, you are not hallucinating." He said, placing both of his hands on Deans cheeks to make him look at him.

Dean looked at him again, and let out a quiet sigh, "None of this is real." He murmered.

Castiel looked at him for a minute, before leaning up to kiss him again, a bit more force used this time.

Dean stood still for a moment, before kissing him back, moving his hands onto Castiel's waist.

Castiel pulled away after a minute, "Did that feel real?" He asked quietly, his eyes still closed as the two held onto each other.

Kind of a longer chapter, yay!

1173 words.

Destiel Merman AUWhere stories live. Discover now