Daddy, tell me...

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   A little Protoform looking human-like has her head aimed at a tall Cybertronian.This Cybertronian is her father, Shockwave, who has one cat-like blue optic, his red Decepticon symbol is seen in vivid detail. The Protoform’s eyes are glowing a certain hue to light blue; her hands are human than robot, and her long purple hair reached over her small shoulders.

            “D-da-da.” The little Protoform trembles in her speech.

            The giant Decepticon claps his servos.

            “Right!” He cheers, feeling giggly inside by the success of teaching a little over three year old Protoform to speak without any help from Autobots. Just to think…She was only a mistake in the procedure. Shockwave thought to himself, recalling what lead up to this…interesting sparkling he decided to take in as his own.


            “So-Longarm, when’s-the-test-dummy-organics-going-to-be-ready?”  A speeding and incredibilyy fast voice spoke, leaving a red and dark gray blur around the taller Cybertronian. This is Blurr, who is missing his right optic.

            Longarm has the mostexperience messing with Organic DNA structure and creation.

            “It’ll be ready in a stellar cycle.” Longarm reaches his arm away from himself right when Blurr speeded by his left side.  The speeding mech fell back having stars around his helmet and made some groaning from his aching helmet that didn’t expect this to happen.

            “Better.” Longarm comments,transforming into his true form. He could tell Blurr is really knocked out. His claw like digit went into the cna collector contraction that chipped off part of the digit landing into the object. The mech takes out his claw that dripped blue energon.  “I shouldn’t be so oblivious to my surroundings.”


His single light blue optic shifted to the protoform-like-human-baby floating in the tank. He didn’t blink. But you could definitely tell he seems surprise, nanoklicks ago it was simply an in-progress organic, now it had gained the complete form of a protoform in delivery position.

            CNA has been registered to unknown Decepticon.

            “Abort, abort project, abort!” He looks down to the main control buttons.

             Voice frequency being suited for sonic-blaring-attack…Change successful.

            “Oh slag.” He cursed, realizing this innocent Protoform now had been given extra features that would or may affect the rest of its life for better and worse. “Turn off. Turn off. Procedure is a failure!” His attempts come out hopeful once the monitor’s bright messages were deciminated.

            Shockwave  keep’s the water in floating position even as the lid were gone.

            “What…a protoform.”  He yanks the Protoform out of the container then into his arm.

            The Protoform begins crying.

            “Uhh….” He quickly puts his claw into the protoform’s mouth.

            The Protoform  sucks on his claw like a pacifier.

            “…It’s mine…It’s really mine.”  He saw the Protoform has one optic, just like him and the other eye hasn’t been completed yet. He put in some commands into the tube making it become unusable and repairable. Somehow in a way, it could become deemed not follow-able in the leagues of scientific formula to defeating The Decepticons.

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