Little Glena Part 2

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Yistinia folds her arms looking up to the wierdly built man. "Then you are a girly freak, a freak, freaky man who loves pink and has a girl's name!" Yistinia puts on her mean face naturally without attempting to do so, her eyes do not show quite the innnonce an decepticon would have in this universe. Her eyes are cruelity. Daddy's little girl is not going to be what he thinks she is.

     "Take that back," Glenial growls, his eyes are upset. "I'm not here to be insulted by a hu--"

  "I'm not taking that back," Yistinia interupts him, raising an index finger. " and I'm a Techno-Organic."

   Her fingers retracted revealing an object mostly associated to Science fiction--A transparent glass sphere connected to tubes flowing energy into the hands--in media. Yistinia shot at Glenial. Ka-ha-hlaing. The scene darkens to back then transitions to a few  days later.  Lugnut and Marcus are seemingily pacing back and forth pondering about something that's visibile to any old fool that they lost someone.

   "She could have just gone out to Disneyland." Marcus suggests a theory, waving his index finger. "Then, Yistinia could have got on a wild ride, got knocked unconscious, and is having animinsea."

    "Marcus, where is Disneyland?" Lugnut asks the teenage human.

     Marcus's eyes wonder off a bit.

    "Florida or California." Marcus assumes, shrugging his shoulders. "I dunno."

    Lugnut's jaw gapes, which is  then pulled straight back up.

    "It doens't make sense..." Lugnut rubs his jaw-plating,Sc-liih can be lightly heard from the gigantic Decepticon. His optics narrow while the giant thought. Lugnut's muletiple optics show a sign of confusion and thought.    "Her signature went off the radar...And is that stunt still working on Megatron?"

     Marcus taps his fingers.

    "With a dummy and a robot voice, pratically." Marcus shyly said, taking a gulp. "I really don't like lying..."

   "One more decacycle, then we tell Megatron we lost her." Lugnut puts his gigantic servos down from his metal chin. "The search must go on...With your brother's participating. It's not easy at the moment."

     The screen sizzles.

    "I hate to say this," The future Starscream taps his digits together. "You might be disturbed on what Yistinia will do next...after four solar cycles 'missing'."

     The scene transitions to Detroit city, right into a street where a teenage boy is being followed by a nine year old girl with dark brown hair, purple hoody, brown pants, and a black long sleeved jacket underneath. "Little Abby, stop following me!" The boy, Leroy, stops and turns towards this nine year old girl who is definite in following her old brother. "You are only going to get yourself killed this way--"

 "I don't want to lose my brother!" The girl is named Ivy, but called Little Abby for short by several people including her signifcantly older brother, who tugs on his sleeve. Her eyes are visibily watering.  She clears her throat. "If you find that mountian...There could be assasins!"

   Leroy smiles, taking her hand off his sleeve.

   Then Leroy lowers himself towards her.

 "If anyone is going to kill me, it will only be the Autobots new sidekick, Yistinia." Leroy tells his sister. They are both human, physically and internally, 100% without any trace of robotic engineering inside their bodies. He wipes off his sister's tear. "She's a Decepticon offspring.My only sister should be off at home. Not here. Not yet."

Shattered Voices (Season 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें