Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I watch the brown eyed beauty staring at the Eiffel Tower with awe. The sun light hitting her face, highlighting her features in a way that's making her look beautiful than she already is.

"You know I always imagine this tower bigger," she said while her eyes still focus at the tower.

"But it is big," I make my way to her and snake my arms around her waist. I rest my chin on her shoulder. "Your ass is bigger though," I murmur.

"What?" she raised her eyebrow at me. "You're such a fuckboy."

"But I'm a girl."

"A gorgeous and sexy girl," she said with a smirk.

"Now who's the fuckboy," I laugh before kissing her cheek. I inhale the scent of her silky hair, her hair is so beautiful. An idea popped in my mind so I pull out and fish my phone in my pocket. "You know what, this moment deserve a selfie don't ya think?" She turn around so we're both facing my cellphone with the Eiffel Tower behind us. "Smile." Before she can react I kiss her cheek before pressing the capture button.

"Let me see," she said excitedly so I show her my phone. Her smile reached her eyes, she's so freaking beautiful. "Awww, this is so cute. You have to send it to me."

"You are cute," I kiss her nose. I noticed her cheek slightly blushing. I pull her closer and wrap my arms around her. She's staring at me with that expressive brown eyes and I would give everything to know what she's thinking at that moment. I often catch her looking at me with that unreadable expression. "What are you thinking?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I'm just staring. You're so pretty so you shouldn't be surprised if you catch me staring at you, I can't help myself."

Now it's my turn to blush. "If I am pretty then you are gorgeous," I said in all honesty. I lean in until our foreheads are touching. I stare at her full pink lips, I really want to kiss her right now but I don't know if she's cool with that, sure we flirt and all but that's...different. I've never been this nervous around anyone.

"C'mon, I look like a potato compare to you, you're like a goddess," she said, not in self deprecating manner. Her lips curl and I unconsciously lick my bottom lips, "And your powers must be your eyes, they're so... hypnotizing," she said choosing her words carefully. "It's like I'm drowning in them, or they're like sucking my soul. I could stare at them forever," she paused. She look straight into my eyes, brown eyes meeting my green orbs. Her eyes are so expressive and I could see admiration behind them. "You're from a whole 'nother world, a different dimension, you open your eyes, I'm ready to go lead me into the light," she suddenly sing before laughing out loud.

"You are such a dork," I giggle. I notice her eyes looking down at my lips before travelling back at my face, she smile shyly because I caught her. I gulp, my head is screaming that I should kiss her.

Just kiss her. Just kiss her.

I pull her closer until there's no space between us, I can feel her body press into mine making my knees almost shake, in nervousness or anticipation I don't even know. Our nose touches, her hot breath mixing in my own felt like an alcoholic beverage that leaves me in daze. I couldn't feel any hesitation from the brunette so I slowly lean in until my lips touches hers. I immediately felt millions of butterflies swarming inside my stomach. Few seconds pass and she's still not reciprocating making me regret my decision. I was about to step back when I felt her hands reach my neck with a tight grip. My breath hitch in my throat when she started moving her lips.

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