Chapter 15

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Hey guys, long time no update huh? Well, guess what! An update! YAY! XD

Well anyways, onto some other business. This story is not forgotten, just a long and erratic update schedule. Until now I had been somewhat reluctant to read a yaoi manga, sure I've read a few shounen ai... but my friend made me read a yaoi with her and well... I have been corrupted. On the bright side, I will have reference material.

I feel anxious for uploading this chapter... for something I wrote... AHHH.

You may read now. :P

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Shion felt strangely sick. That medicine he took before going to sleep was most likely the cause with the side effects, he remembered taking that before going to sleep. It may cause nausea if taken with an empty stomach. He tried to turn to get comfier and pulled up a blanket when he felt a force pulling him to the right. His forehead collided with a cold surface and he felt a mild pain. "Ugh..." Shion just noticed that he was sitting upright.

The others around him tensed. "Oh no... He's waking up..." Kaoru whispered shakily to his counterpart. They smirked when they saw Tamaki turn a few shades lighter in fear.

Shion opened his eyes before immediately closing them and squinting from the bright whiteness that was outside. Once his eyes adjusted he felt incredibly disoriented.

He was looking out of a window and the scenery was whipping by at near 120 km speeds. His eyes widened.

"..." Shion took a moment to wipe the sleep out of his eyes. Still the same.

The fuck? Where am I?

He certainly recalled not falling asleep somewhere other than his own bed. In his confusion, he started mumbling in English. "What. The. Fuck..." He looked down and saw a blanket on him, he turned in his seat and saw Kyoya sitting diagonally across from him, reading a book calmly as if he knew nothing of what panic was going through his head. He saw a blond head of hair hiding behind Kyoya's seat, and whether it was Tamaki's or Hani's didn't matter.

"Ootori..." His voice came out even, but from the sounds of it, it was threatening.

He looked up from the book he was reading. "Yes?" Though it hasn't been read as much as he would have liked, he was being distracted. His eyes kept straying to the sleeping body in front of him.

Shion cleared his throat, "Mind telling me why exactly I am on a train?" He crossed his arms, more comfortable and it looked imposing.

"Hmm..." Kyoya placed a bookmark in the pages and slowly closed the book, "Well, let's see..."

• • • • • •

"Alright peasants! It's time for the operation!" The others looked at Tamaki with raised eyebrows, they were all used to his shenanigans, but still, even this was over the top for Tamaki Suoh. "We will be bringing the target to the base. Until then! Further orders will be issued after completion."

"Kidnapping Shion and bringing him to a resort hours away?"

"Shh!" He shushed the twins of the less grand, and more truthful, wording of his plans, "It's not kidnapping, it's..."

"Detain and capture?" Kyoya offered smartly. It was a procedure in his father's security and police force so he would know it. If Haruhi were present she would have snorted at Kyoya's smart-ass attitude with the sarcastic humour that Tamaki clearly still couldn't get.

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