How You Meet

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Master Splinter

You were wondering around the sewers lost. Why? You were chased by some bullies and ran into a open manhole in an alley. You jumped in knowing they would follow you and ran. Now you are completely lost. On the bright side though, you lost the bullies! Yeah.... There really is no bright side to this is there? Anyway as you were walking farther and farther into the dark sewers, you saw a light up ahead. You then had a little bit of hope of getting out of this place. You sprinted towards the light and when you go there you you stopped. It was an old subway like place thing and it looked as if it was modeled to be a home. You walked in a little further and noticed pizza boxes everywhere on the floor. 'Someone needs to clean up.'You thought. All of a sudden you hear movement behind you and you sense that you are being watched. You stood frozen. "W-Who is there?" You ask shakily. I mean if you were in a unfamiliar place, you would get scared too right? No? Never mind. No answer. You slowly turn around to see nothing. Squinting, you look around and see hidden in the shadows a huge rat like creature. It was as tall as a adult human male! Your eyes widen and you backed away a bit. "Y-you..... In t-the S-Shadows!" To be honest, the rat looked honestly surprised. It stepped out of the shadows and looked at you closely. "Who are you?" It asked. All you remember was hitting the floor before everything went black.


You were sitting down on your roof. Being the eldest of five kids does take the toll on you. I mean, You are supposed to be the most responsible, Most behaved, calm, great sibling, but you gt blamed for everything by your siblings and you get in trouble with your parents for a little slip up. You sighed as you sat on the edge of the building. Everyone was asleep so you snuck out your window to sit on the roof. You tend to do this a lot because it relaxes you after your long day. As you were staring at the sky you heard a thump. You quietly, but quickly, stood up and turned around. You hid behind the little block that lead down stairs, and looked around it. What you saw almost gave you a heart attack. Standing there was a turtle with a blue mask over his eyes and two katanas' on his back. You watched him closely as he started to pace back and forth on your roof. "Why do I even try? They never listen to me. Ugh, being leader is not as easy as it seems." He sighed and sat down. You then decided to make your presence known. So you stepped out and the turtle man thing stood up and turned around facing you with his katanas' pointed at you as soon as you took a step. You stood wide eyes staring at him. "Uh oh." He sighed with his eyes wide open too. Since you heart nearly had an attack, you passed out leaving the poor blue clad turtle sighing.


You were on your way home from a friends house when you felt like you were being followed. You stayed walking like you didn't notice but it was really started to get on your nerves. So when you saw an alley way you turned and stood in the shadows. If whoever was following you wasn't following you they would ignore you and walk past. Oh, but no, They walked right into the alley and you saw exactly who they are. "Really? Can't a girl get a break?" You ask a bit agitated. You walked out of the shadows as the Purple Dragons look at you. You smirk. "Like what you see?" Fong smirked and said, "Yes I do. Now would you be willing to give it to me or do I have to take it like usual?" You laughed. ""Take it like usual?" Who the hell are you talking about!? You have never taken anything from me, nor will you ever." Fong looked at you with a pissed off face. "Look here little girl, I get what I want when I want and I never take "no" for an answer." With every word he took a step forward while you took a step back and eventually you back hit the alley wall. He pinned you against it. "Let me go bastard and no one will get hurt." You said rather calmly. All he did was laugh and that was it. He pushed your last nerve. You kneed his balls and pushed him away from you. The other two he was with an at you but you took them down easily. Next thing you knew though, your head was ringing and bleeding. "Not so tough now are you?" Fong said. Last thing you saw was a turtle with sais' and a red mask beat the hell out of Fong before you passed out because of blood loss.


You were in your room studying with your best *cough* only *Cough* friend. "So April, how is you and Jones?" You ask. She blushed and looked down while you smiled. "Uh... Everything is great. And....Uh....yeah....." You laugh, "Okay okay I wont ask again." She sighed in relief. You both went back to working on your Math homework. "Hey (Y/N)? What did you get for number 15? I got 5674." You looked at her wide eyed. "APRIL! You are way wrong! The answer is 27!" She looked at you weird. "But.... I? Help?" You scooted over to her and showed her how to work out the problem right. After about an half hour of explaining the order of PEMDAS, She had to go. "You had better be safe April O'Neil. If I or someone else find you dead in a sewer or something I swear I will smack your dead body's face." You said seriously. She looked at you like you were crazy. Okay so maybe you were but who cares? You both laugh a bit and you hug her one last time before she actually leaves your house. You then went back to your room and sat and worked again on your homework. About two hours later you were tired. You finished all of your homework plus the rest of this weeks and all next weeks. You went to get changed into your PJ's but saw something flash in your window. Curiosity getting the better of you, you open your window and climb onto the fire escape. When You saw nothing you looked up and standing there looking down at you is a giant turtle with a purple mask on. And he looked really surprised that you noticed him. You thought the tiredness was getting to you so you did what any normal arson would do. You fainted.


"MOM! I'm going to the skate park now. Be back before too late!" You called out before you grabbed your (SkateBoard)  and left out the door. You skated all the park and when you got there it was mostly empty. That's because no one comes here since the new skate park opened up a couple blocks from here. Personalty you like this one better than the "new and improved" park. There was only one person here and they had on some type of hoodie or something on while skating. You sat and watch them pull of some sick moves before you decided to join in. You started to do some of your moves with the random person and you think that they were honestly surprised to see you there. You smiled at them while in mid air and laughed. You landed and stomped right next to them. "You are awesome Dudette!" He said. You smiled, "Thanks! You are amazing too dude! You need to teach me some of your moves." "Only if you teach me some of yours!" "Deal!" You said with a huge grin. "Looks like someone finally found a guy who actually likes her! If only they were cute." You both heard. You looked down and sighed. There was Keith and his girlfriend Savannah who bullied you non stop. "Hey. Leave her alone!" The person yelled. They rolled their eyes and left. "Thanks." You looked up and smiled. "No problem." You smile widened. Then a strong wind blew and his hoodie hat thing came off and you were surprised but your smile never faltered. "So, your a Turtle?" You ask. He then panicked and pulled up his hood fast. "Please don't run away now!" You smiled again and said, "Why would I run away from someone who loves to skateboard as much as I do?" He smiled back and then you looked at the time. "Oh! I gotta go! I hope to see you aga-" You started as you were walking away but you ran into a wall and knocked yourself out.

Casey Jones

You were walking around the school hallway with your nose stuck in your phone like always. It was the end of the day and your best friend wanted you to stay and watch her boyfriend's hockey game with her so you said of course. (NO YOUR BEST FRIEND IS NOT APRIL!) As you walked towards the Ice Rink, your nose still stuck deep into your phone, you ran into someone knocking both of you down in the process. Your phone flew out of you hand and you fell hard on the ground. Both you and the person your ran into groaned in pain and sat up. You held your head. Once you opened your eyes, sitting there in front of you was no other than Casey Jones. The trouble maker. "I'm so sorry. My nose was stuck in my phone again and I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going." You said as you walked over to him to help him up. Casey opened his eyes at your voice and looked at your hand. He took your hand while replying back to you, "No problem. I wasn't watching where I was going so I guess it was both of our faults." You smiled and he smiled back. You then looked around for your phone and saw that it was smashed to pieces. Well only your screen. "Oh no. Now I have to go and buy a new one. How am I going to explain this to mom and dad?" You said to yourself. "Ouch. That phone looks totaled. Sorry." "It's not your fault." You said. You both started walking towards the game and started talking. You found out that both of you like a lot of stuff that are similar and the same. Pretty cool. When you get to the rink, You smile at Casey, "Well See ya around Jones." "See ya around (Y/L/N) (Your Last Name)." You smiled and went your separate ways.

April O'Neil

You were walking towards the Library to get a science book that your sister wanted. Now why would you do that when she has two arms and legs herself you ask? She twisted her ankle on the stairs a week ago and is still playing it off like it hurts. Since she is your baby sister, she gets the special treatment. You have to do everything for her unless you want to get punished. Yes I know sounds pretty harsh but your sister, if you don't do what she wants you to so she will throw a fit and mom and dad will come running in and she will tell them some crazy lie about you and you get punished. You sighed as you walked into the library. You smiled at the Librarian and walked over to the science books. You were browsing the shelves for a little while. When you saw the right book you smiled and reached for it but another hand reached for it at the same time. "Oh!" You both quietly yelled. "Sorry. I was just grabbing this for a friend." You smile and hand it to the redhead besides you. "It's okay. I was just getting it for my sister." "Really?" You nodded as you both walked out of the science section. As you both walked up to the check out you looked at the Librarian and smiled. She checked out the book for April, you learned her name. "Girls, we just so happen to have one more of these books. Would you like to check it out (Y/N)?" The librarian asks you with a smile. You smile in relief. "Yes please." She nods and goes to a back room. "So (Y/N) why does she know your name? You come here often." You smile at April. "Only for schoolwork. I can't focus at home with three dogs two cat and plus my annoying baby sister. It gives me a headache and sometimes I wish school would just last forever." You both laugh and the librarian comes back. She checks the book out for you and both you and April head out. "Nice meeting you today, (Y/N). See ya soon!" She says. You smile, "See ya later April!" You go your different ways both of you with a mile on your faces.  

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