Your Talent

226 7 1

Master Splinter


You can master all the Languages very easily.


Throwing your Voice

You can throw your voice all of the lair and make him do a wild duck chase just looking for you.


Talking to the Dead

You often talk to the dead and lets just say that it kinda freaks everyone out.....


Reading People

You always know what someone is feeling so really no one can lie to you and you like it.



You loved to bake when you were little so when Mikey found out that you could cook he made you help him make dinner.

Casey Jones


Casey found out that you were a master at self defence when a jock tried to hit on you at school. He went home with a black eye and a broken nose.

April O'Neil

High Pain Tolerance

Everyone was surprised when You went through hours of pain and most of it didn't hurt you.  

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