Part Five: Touchy Feelings~

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Behind the glass of the SCP's cell, Simmons was frantically pressing buttons. Trying to get the door open.

"Goddamnit, no..." The man mumbled under his breath. He slammed his fist and activated the intercom. "Stirling! Get away from him! You'll die!"

Shit, like that was the thing to say. 'I should've never brought her back down here... I'm gonna lose another one...' Simmons growled and pressed more buttons, swiped key card after key card...

The doctor felt a hand on his back. It was SCP 104. "Sim, be calm." He turned quickly and she caught his wrists to keep him from swinging blindly.

With the quick snatching of a tiny wave of sound, she managed to turn his head to look back through the glass. She pointed, leaning in to whisper. "Look at that."

After a few moments of observation, Simmons's eyes went wide. "But th-that's impossible..." His arms dropped out of astonishment out of Treble's grasp.

She smirked. "Well, apparently, it isn't..."


Paralysis from fear wasn't an alien feeling for Bethany Quinn. It wasn't a welcomed one, though.

SCP 049 was touching her. Touching. Her. The very thing that's not suppose to happen was happening. The nightmares were becoming an excruciating reality, and her hopes dashed like the dust off of the real picture of what life was, and will always be.

And yet...

When the doctor put both hands on her face, then she began to feel it.
Something she hadn't felt in a long time...

She was too dazed to show it, but Quinn was astonished. Her face was tilted so 049 could look into her eyes.

"This disease... So strange..." He murmured under his mask, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

Her face grew warm under his touch, heart racing. She found herself leaning into his hand. He pulled it away a little, surprised by her action, but kept his hand on her cheek.

"Ho-how do you feel?" He stuttered, his mask looming closer to her face.

She opened her mouth to say something, but the words wouldn't come. Quinn couldn't find her voice, it was covered up by a cloud of...something, a thick mist of something from the depths of her subconscious. All she felt right now was a semi-existent floor beneath her, and him. But mostly, him.
And... A feeling...? But, what was it?

049 moved a hand down to her neck, feeling for her pulse. "Heart rate is rapid, face flushed, breathing erratic." He muttered. It was like she was an experimental patient, she thought.

The doctor began to turn away, hands almost leaving her skin. Something in her brain sparked to life and made her grab onto his hands, holding him to her. "N-no, don't move." She finally said.

049 was surprised by this. How many people would tell him not to get away? He looked into the shorter female's eyes. Her pupils were dilated.

"I'm okay, really." She smiled reassuringly. To prove it, she reached up and into his hood, searching to find his skin. Her fingers brushing over the edge of his mask. He noticed the look of curiosity that passed over her face at feelings this.

She didn't try to take it off of him, which surprised the old doctor. However, what surprised him the most was the sudden spark of electricity that seemed to shoot through him when Quinn found his skin.

A shaky hand went up and fingers wrapped around her wrist carefully. Quinn's breath hitched at the increased skin contact, her eyes going back to his.

SCP 049 X OCWhere stories live. Discover now