Part Six: Equal Intoxication

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The days after Quinn's little scare with the Doctor consisted of multiple takings of her vitals.

She could barely get enough time in to put a new entry into her journal. Because that was really the only place safe for her to describe, in excruciating detail, what she felt during her contact with 049.

Currently, Simmons had her hooked up to an EKG machine, recording her heart rate, and checking her eyes for any abnormalities.

He clicked his little flashlight off and stuck it back in his lab coat. "Well, I 'see' no problems as of yet." He chuckled.

Quinn rolled her eyes and smiled slightly. "Pun-tastic, genius. How long'd you work on that one?"

" 'bout point five seconds." He scribbled something down on his clipboard and walked behind his desk, smiling up at her before sitting down. "And I bet you'd be outta here quicker if you just tell me what happened in there with SCP 049."

Quinn shook her head, pushing a stray strand of brown hair behind her ear. "Ain't much to say, really. I've told you this several times." She continued. "All I truly felt was this kind of comatose that nearly put me to sleep. That's it."

He sighed, starting a bit when the EKG machine went off. He got up and held a hand out to catch the paper that flowed out of the machine, tearing it out and examining it. "Readings are still the same from the last two hours. Survey says they probably will be the same for the next two."

She started pulling off the adhesive tabs and gathered up the chords in her hand. "And that is my final answer, sir." She retorted. "If you'll let it be my final answer?"

Simmons laughed and folded up the paper, sliding it into her file. He flicked a hand gently towards his office door. "Go on, kid. Go practice medicine." He smiled brightly up at her.

Picking up her bag, she pressed the button on the panel and smiled at him on her way out. "Thanks. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah..." She heard him say before bolting down the hallway.

Quinn stopped at the elevator and swiped her key card. It opened and she stepped in, imputing her floor number into the panel and heading up.

'That was too close.' She thought, pulling out her journal and settling against the back wall. Opening it up to the marked page, she read what thoughts she'd managed to get down between her trips.

Day 33, Entry 1
I want to see him again...

Quinn pinched the bridge of her nose, pushing her glasses up. "All day and that's all the creativity I could muster up?" She sighed and shut her notebook, replacing it in her bag.

'Maybe I could go and talk to 104 about it?' Quinn thought, but quickly shook her head. No, even though she was a close enough friend, this feeling really was too personal to share with-heh-anybody, really.

Her hands brushed her cheeks and she sighed deeply, leaning back against the wall. Just thinking about it was enough to...

The elevator doors opened and she quickly gathered herself from her fantasy. She cleared her throat and headed down to her room. "I-I'll just have to sleep this off. It'll go away. Soon enough." She mumbled to herself quietly, speeding down the corridor.


It was common for 049 to stay up into the night. Too many things on his mind. But now there wasn't just things on his mind now, was there?

He sat up in his bed, his hands, quivering slightly, reached up and removed his mask. The cold air in his cell hit his pale skin, but could not compare to the feelings interred in his mind.

'What was that feeling?' He kept asking himself over and over, tracing his fingers over where Dr. Stirling had touched his skin.

The young doctor had obviously been effected by his touch, but he did not expect to have a reciprocated feeling. As she had nearly fallen asleep from him touching her, he only assumed, when her fingers had ghosted over what little of his face was uncovered by his mask, it had sent an icy jolt through his entire body, awaking senses he never knew he had.

He ran a hand through his black disheveled hair, his hood falling back off of his head. Just thinking about it made him shudder in...

He let a sigh escape him, and shook his head. A glance over at his pillow attempted to turn his mind around. "Sleep, that's what it is. Exhaustion is never good for anyone."

But no matter how many hours he would get, that cold chill still remained at the back of his mind. Running up and down his spine consistently.

It was... Intoxicating.

A/N: Hey guys, PrussiaFlute here.
Sorry it took so long for me to update this story! I had a hellacious last week of my freshman year of college. It really is amazing how well some professors hide the fact that they're complete and total assholes... But, hopefully next semester won't be this way again.
Anyways, please tell me how I did in the comments. I really appreciate any and all feedback I get on my stories, if helps me out a lot. Please? Thank you!

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