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Anastasia Vivian Carter;

I can remember when it all started like it it was yesterday.

I was in the eighth grade and it had been a rather hot day in April for Canada, and I just so happened to be home sick with the flu when my older sister, Julianne, came rushing in the front door. She was panting, rambling on and on about this new guy at her school who was, and I quote, "too hot to handle".

Within the next week and a half she had not shut up about him. And within the next three weeks he was coming over to our house for the first time. anyone could tell that Julianne was beyond nervous as they sat down on the big, black leather couch across from me in the living room. I was stunned by his looks to say the least -- long, dark, unruly curls, piercing green eyes and plump, pink lips. He really was "too hot to handle". Julianne had then shooed me off saying they were going to be watching a movie that mum wouldn't allow me to see. He had looked at me with a sympathetic smile, seeing as my older sister had just snapped at me.

A month and a half had passed and Julianne and him, Harry, whose name I had found out the second time he had come to our house, had grown closer. always touching each other, going out, or spending time in her room with her door shut and locked, loud R&B music being playing. You could only imagine what my thirteen-year old mind was thinking when that was happening.

By the time they had graduated high school, roughly three months after they met, they were the cheesiest yet most disturbing couple ever. Whenever mum and dad were out, and they thought I was out with them or at my friends, they would rush up the stairs and into her room, their loud footsteps and Julianne's giggles being heard, before they shut and locked her door and the all too familiar R&B music was suddenly blasted. Yes, blasted. I'm  pretty sure the neighbours from the end of the street could hear it. But even though it was so loud, it didn't make up for the fact that I could hear her annoying high-pitched screams of swear words and his name. And the sound of her bed frame hitting the wall repeatedly as he was in and out of her.

That happened almost every time Harry came over, and by the time I was in the tenth grade I had learned to just ignore it and walk out of the house.

When I was quarter way through my junior year, a few weeks before Winter Formal, I was asked out on a date. My very first date. And the fact that the most popular guy in school, Jeremy Sterling, had asked me should have been a lightbulb in my head. He was just doing it to make him look cooler. But that lightbulb didn't appear in my head seeing as I agreed. It had happened two days later that I felt like I was a piece of shit. All that Jeremy would talk about was Stephanie Asher, his ex-girlfriend who had broken up with him two weeks before our date, and how he only wanted to make her jealous -- for her to see that she made a mistake. He kept talking about her looks and comparing mine to hers, saying that she was way prettier. And  that she was skinnier than me. That went on for the whole night, and I was even left with the bill after he said he'd pay. The bill had been crazy considering he had taken me to an expensive Italian restaurant in downtown Toronto.

The looks of pity I received from our waiter and the hostess only made me want to stomp after Jeremy and demand he give me the money he owed. But I couldn't do that.

I had rushed home after taking two different TTC buses back to my house. By the time I was fumbling for my house key, I was already in tears. I had walked into the living room, not looking up to see that Harry was sat on the couch watching tv, until he asked me if I was okay. Telling him I was fine, I slipped off my shoes, just tossing them on the floor before walking up to my room. Not even five minutes later Harry was knocking on my door before entering and sitting beside me on my bed.

It started off as just his arm around my shoulder, bringing me into his side. Then I was straddling his lap as he hugged me, trying to calm me down as I cried into his shoulder. Then he was holding my face in his hands and his forehead rested on mine, as he told me that I beautiful just the way I was, and that Jeremy was an asshole for saying such things. Harry had comforted me when I was upset plenty of times before, but this time was different.

Because the last thing he did, was press his lips against mine.

I didn't bother to ask where Julianne was even though this was very wrong, considering he was dating my older sister. But nonetheless, I kissed him back.

And that was when I realized that I had feelings for my sister's boyfriend.


and that ladies and gentlemen, is the prologue.

it is very crappy, but i just wanted to get the first official part up where it gives you a little look on the background of anastasia's situation.

sorry for any spelling & grammar mistakes.

comment telling me how i can improve.

Published; February 21st, 2016, 2:14 pm Eastern time

Revamped; March 5th, 2019

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