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ONE; My Cousin Vinny

Anastasia Vivian Carter;

Today was one of those days. Thus, being the worst.

I had failed an English test that I had studied two weeks for. And Harry was over again. And that could only mean one thing.

The loud R&B music was blasting from Julianne's room. I was surprised that she still lived at home, considering the amount of money she makes. I don't know exactly how much she makes, but it's a lot. I'm talking enough to put her own down payment on a house in Toronto. And that says a lot.

But, as sad as it is, she still relied on mum and dad. Asking to borrow money all the time, not bothering to tell them the amount of money she had in her bank account. As far as they know, she works at a very shitty café outside of the city that only pays minimum wage. Anyone could tell that my parents were stressed out. Their restaurant was draining all their, and Julianne knew this, yet still asked for money every chance she got. They weren't in the right financial situation to keep up with her lavish spending habits. Yet, she couldn't be bothered in offering them help instead of taking from them.

Harry, was a wealthy man himself. Always working hard, but still having the ability to make time for my sister. He sang at pubs on most nights, and had the occasional bigger gig from here and there. When he wasn't busy trying to pursue a career as a musician, he worked and his step-fathers law firm. Julianne would ask him for money as well. And like the gentleman Harry is, he would give it to her, but could never seem to bring himself to ask what she was spending it on. She, is what I and most people would call a gold digger. A loved of money and nothing else.

I however, worked three jobs. And gave whatever I had earned with my hard work to my parents to help them out. I never went on shopping trips with my friends like Julianne does. The mall was actually the last place I would want to be. I never went on random, unplanned road trips with them like she does. Although I loved the spontaneousness about just stuffing whatever clothes you could fit into a bag and driving with no true destination.

I barely even hung out with them, because I was either at school, working, or trying to get at least three decent hours of sleep. And I most certainly did not travel the globe, taking pictures of the places I'd been and the things of seen, Showing them to people and gloating about it. For Christ's sake, I'm seventeen years old and I still haven't been out of Canada.

"Oh, Harry!" Julianne yelled from the next room over.

I  rolled my eyes as I got up off of my bed. Not this again. I was surprised either one of them didn't have have an STD's, considering my sister had cheated on him multiple times with guys she didn't know, not knowing if they had anything or not. Not having the heart to tell the guy who looked so in love with my sister, the fact that she was a cheating bitch, I let them be, giving her the option to tell him or not.

Pulling on my worn out leather boots, I rushed down the stairs and grabbed my coat and keys that were hung up on a rack that was screwed into the wall, before heading out the door.

Not having any idea where I was going, I put my ear buds in and pressed play on the screen of my iPod. Seventeen and I don't have a phone. But it's not like I needed it, my parents trusted me to be safe while walking the streets of Toronto by myself. And if I needed to get into contact with them I just use a pay phone nearby with the spare change I always have in my pockets.

Yes, pay phones still exist people.

After walking for fifteen minutes I decided to go to my parents restaurant to say a quick 'hello' and help them with things that needed to be done. Another five minutes and I was walking in trough the front door, past the line of people that were lining the sidewalk waiting to get in, most of them giving me dirty looks for cutting the line and not waiting like the rest. But I didn't have to wait.

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